Bay Area recruiters seeking census takers across all 9 counties

Bay Area recruiters seeking census takers across all 9 counties

India Post News Service

The US Census is recruiting hundreds of thousands of temporary workers nationwide for the 2020 Census, and many of those will be hired in the Bay Area. The Census is often described as the nation’s largest civilian mobilization, and it’s already well under way.

Temporary workers can work flexible hours in their neighborhoods for $20-$30 an hour. Census is hiring 500,000 part-time and temporary workers for 2020 Census

The Census wants to ensure that census takers are hired directly from the community where they will be working. People who help with the count in their home cities are more likely to speak non-English languages and be able to address needs and concerns specific to their neighborhoods.

Census takers will be contributing to the largest 2020 Census field operation, known as Nonresponse Follow-Up, which begins in spring 2020. Census takers across the Bay Area will knock on doors to follow up with households who have not responded to the census questionnaire by the other methods, which are online, by phone, or by paper questionnaire.

It’s essential that the Census receives applications by the end of 2019 so that workers will have passed background checks and received training by the time they are ready to start working in May.

Applying for a Census job is easy. Just visit 2020census/jobs or call 855-JOB-2020 and select option 3 for more information. Pay rates for field and clerical jobs can be found at

(For more information, please visit the 2020 Census Jobs page at, call 1-855-JOB-2020 (562-2020), or visit the Census Bureau’s Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages. Census Taker YouTube, “Be a Census Taker”:

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