CHICAGO: Many an astrologer has been coming to this country for many a year brings with them the crux of ancient Indian scriptural knowledge in their bid to help stress and problem ridden society at large here. Dr Dhara Patel is one of this class but strikes a uniquely different cord.
She is young, hardly 25, holds a doctorate in Alternative Medicine from a Calcutta University, has researched and developed her own method of predictive astrology based on ancient texts supplemented with learning from her grandfather, reads horoscope supplemented with her Nadi grasp, yoga and meditation, and the last but the least offers spiritual healing to needy (no cost for this) to help grow her own spiritual self.
She came to this country a few weeks ago trotting from Boston, New Jersey to Detroit, Chicago and going back to Boston before flying to India on July 17, but in the short span of four to five weeks she has met and impressed hundreds of her followers and those who came to consult her for their problems. She has impressed many and they would like her to be coming here again.
“I have found that people here are frank, open minded, respectful and are amiable to suggestions. I am so overwhelmed with response that I might consider coming back here sometimes next year. But my aim would be to hold a seminar and disseminate knowledge besides offering consultation to those who need,” she said in a telephonic talk to this paper
Dr Dhara has developed her own method of predictive astrology based on her study of horoscopes in which Nadi has predominance and factoring in the time when put a question according to Prasna Kundali. “This is the same method that I use in India and it would not be exaggeration to claim that I have proved 98 per cent correct in my analysis, problem diagnosis and to a great extent in resolving the problem.
I might have read and studied thousands of horoscopes in the past few years only,” she said
More than individual meets she has conducted over 70 high end seminars and workshops across India in cities like Ahmedabad, Surat, Rajkot, Calcutta, Chandigarh and other centers. In October 2012, there was an International Spiritual seminar in Bhopal and she talked on Law of Attraction and presented her own paper on Shabad Shatra. “This was well received by those present,” she said. Her talks also cover subjects like Shiva Tatva, Krishna no Manav Sambadh
(Krishna relations with humans); Jivan Ek Thapan and like.
“Attendance ranges from 3000 to 10,000 at a time,” she added.
She is open to hold seminars and talks on subjects of Yoga, Meditation, Nadis study and astrology when she plans a visit early next year, she said.
Harish Rao