CHICAGO: A Pakistan born but India raised scientist Dr Dayal Meshri, who won laurels in academic and non-academic fields for his success, has been inclined to contribute his for mite to the society by announcing hefty donations time and again to educational institutions and social organizations.
One of the recent recipients of his donations is the University of Tulsa. Dr Meshri and his son Sanjay Meshri have announced an initial gift of $37,715 towards the Meshri Family Vestibules and the Indu Meshri Students Common. The Meshris have committed $500,000 to sponsor this project at the University.
Commending this wholesome gesture of the Meshris, University President Dr Steadman Upham said that TU’s international reputation as a powerhouse in the fields of engineering and the sciences continues to grow and it continues to enjoy strong prospects “thanks to your abiding friendship.” He added that the University appreciates “your continued investment in the innovators of tomorrow who are studying at TU today.”
Earlier, Meshris had announced a substantial donation to the University of Idaho for its multimillion dollar Research and Innovation Center Project. In a communication to Dr Dayal Meshri, Chuck Stable, the Idaho University President, said, “It is so inspiring when we receive a leadership-level gift from a generous donor that allows us to provide new opportunities to our University community. Your gift supporting the Integrated Research and Innovation Center is just that.”
Three years ago, Dr Meshri had announced a hefty donation of $50,000 for renovating and updating kitchen facility at Indo American Center in Chicago. The IAC management set up a life size statute of Indu Meshri commemorating this gift from Dr Dayal Meshri.
Dr Meshri has been active in the welfare of Sindhi community many of whose members had migrated penniless from Pakistan after partition. Recently he was one of the prime sponsors for the international convention on Sindhi in Singapore.
Ramesh Soparawala
India Post News Service