CHICAGO: More than 300 members and guests of Indian Seniors of Chicago attended a picnic hosted by it at Buses Grove No#24 in Elk Gr
ove Village on July 8.
Guests and members were treated to a variety of snacks – Gota, Jalebi, onion, with green pepper, tea, cookie by the ISC. Many participated in games such as ‘Antaksari, volley ball. Chitranjan Desai gave an account of the last meeting and donation received.
President of ISC Narsinhbhai welcomed guests such as Ramanbhai Patel who gave a donation to ISC. After noon ISC organizers served water melon and ice cream .ISC also celebrated seniors’ birthday birthday falling in July.
At the end of picnic, Indian meal was served with Ladu, Khichadi, Ring Potatos, Shakh, Papad, Chhas, Puri. Narsinghbhai Patel thanked each and every one and all board members worked hard for success of the picnic.
Jayanti Oza