Chicago: The AAHOA Upper Midwest Regional Meeting & Trade Show meet held here last week at Waterford Banquet hall met with a fair degree of success with 60 plus vendors participating and attendance running close to 200 plus members and guests.
Kalpesh Joshi, the regional director said that the highlight was the two informative and education seminars covering important topics concerning small and big motel owners. Both the seminars – implications of changed labor laws and SBA 504 refinancing – evoked good response. Joshi said that this type of trade show was second during his stewardship and that members really were busily involved from 3 pm on and till the dinner in late evening.
Among the top AAHOA brass coming to Chicago were HP Patel, treasurer, Bhavesh Patel , vice chairman, Bruce ( Bharat) Patel Chairman and Chip Rogers President. Kalpesh Joshi welcomed the guests and members and talked about the slow but steady progress of AAHOA in Midwest regions.
Bruce Patel underlined importance of PAC funds and the need to voice Hotel Motel industry concerns at the right place with the lawmakers. Chip Rogers highlighted the progress of AAHO over the past few years with the membership now approaching a near all time high at 153,000. The consensus was that more needs to be done to widen the AAHOA base inducing more and more Motel owners to join the organization.
Ramesh Soparawala
India Post News Service