India Post News Service
WASHINGTON DC: The summer edition of the peer-reviewed scientific Journal of the AAPI (JAAPI) has been released in September 2021.
Dedicated to Edward Jenner, FRS, Father of Immunization, the 2nd ever issue of JAAPI, has been with a variety of articles benefitting the larger section of physician community around the world.
Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, President of AAPI congratulating the Editorial Team of JAAPI said, “This is the fruit of our teamwork and it’s a good opportunity for the members of AAPI to contribute scientific articles, and make it better as we move on. JAAPI is a peer-reviewed medical and health journal. “

In his introductory note, the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed JAAPI, Dr. Bellamkonda K. Kishore observed, “ We are pleased to present you the Summer issue of peer-reviewed JAAPI. It is made possible with the unconditional support of AAPI team
Describing the importance of JAAPI, Dr. Kishore says, “The doctors who save lives of their patients are not always made in medical schools. They often create themselves through diligent practice of Evidence-based Medicine in the community.
The real test a doctor faces is not the one administered in the medical school, but the one s/he has to face when standing between the life and death of patients. What empowers a doctor in those critical moments is right knowledge, despite technological superiority of modern medicine – Knowledge is Power of the Noble Profession that has the potential to elevate a
After one or two years of publication, JAAPI will be registered with MEDLINE so that it will be indexed in PubMed and other databases. JAAPI is a fully Open Access journal with no manuscript submission or publication charges.
In order to achieve the lofty goals, Dr. Kishore urges the AAPI fraternity to help and support JAAPI by doing one or more of the following.
(1) Submit your own articles or solicit articles from experts in your field and circle;
(2) Promote JAAPI by forwarding its PDF copies and sharing them with your colleagues and friends;
(3) Display hard copies of JAAPI at your meetings and conventions (contact us for hard copies);
(4) Submit synopsis of your CME programs to JAAPI; and Solicit advertisements from the pharma industry or organizations and businesses that cater the interests or needs of physicians. “Together we can reach new heights,” he promises AAPI members. For more information on AAPI and to read, contribute and sponsor JAAPI, visit: