FREMONT: Bal-Mukund is a beautifully designed and structured children’s personality and character development program that has been envisioned by Swami Mukundananda Ji. It endeavors to awaken in children, aged 5 thru 15 an appreciation, understanding and executable knowledge of their Vedantic heritage and roots. Bal-Mukund, as envisioned by Swamiji, focuses on imbibing the highest value system in children through an array of activities that include, recitation of shlokas, yoga, meditation, games, pranayam, crafts, storytelling, kirtan singing and prayers recitations.
Bal-Mukund classes
Bal-Mukund classes are held weekly. Each session can be 90 minutes to 120 minutes. It is 90 minutes if only the Bal-Mukund curriculum is taught. If Hindi classes are also taught as part of the Bal-Mukund class then another 30 minutes need to be added to each class. The sessions run an entire academic year and follow a traditional school calendar year.
A generic breakdown of a class session is listed below. There can be variability in the order of activities depending upon teacher preference, student dynamics, venue availability etc.
All children start with:
• Morning prayers/Shlokas; Yoga/Pranayam; Meditation, Kirtan
Groups split age wise:
• Story Session (Younger); Essence of Hinduism (Older); Games, crafts
Together again for: Aarti; Hindi (If there are children at different levels; beginners, intermediate etc., then the class will be split up depending upon what level the children are at)
Reference material
All the material used to teach children has been beautifully written and complied by Swamiji himself. It is therefore, a very holistic program and one that allows for very logical amalgamation of wisdom from varied Hindu texts and scriptures, expertly explained and put forth by Swamiji. With Swamiji being the author of a variety of text books, audio/video CD’s being used to communicate Vedic richness to children, there is an ocean of reference material at the teachers’ finger tips and they don’t have to go scouring sources to put assignments/lesson plans together. Ease of planning and execution is a tremendous benefit to those volunteering their time spearheading a Bal-Mukund center.
Principles & Values
Bal-Mukund curriculum approaches enlightening children about their invaluably rich religious and cultural roots by focusing on 7 core values; the KRIPALU values:
K: Kindness; R: Respect; I: Integrity; P: Perseverance; A: Accountability; L: Love; U: Unassuming
Guiding principles
There are 5 principles that guide everyone involved with spreading Swamiji’s Bal-Mukund vision; The 5 E’s:
a) Educate young minds in the knowledge of Vedic wisdom, to lead a virtuous life
b) Enthuse the spirit of giving with a service attitude
c) Encourage problem solving with courage, confidence and faith
d) Entertain creativity; expand power of concentration and focus
e) Elevate young minds to higher levels of consciousness, and fill their hearts with love and reverence for God
Personality development
The 5 E’s mentioned above coupled with the 7 ‘KRIPALU’ values that are encouraged in every session and through every activity, allow the children to realize their full potential and be the best they can be. By understanding and incorporating the values fostered by KRIPALU: Kindness, Respect, Integrity, Perseverance, Accountability, Love for God and Unassuming the child’s personality blossoms. Swamiji resounds an eternal truth in his statement that, “Just as the acorn carries the potential of becoming an oak tree, children carry in them infinite potential for future greatness.” Bal-Mukund inspires them to reach for greater heights by harnessing that potential.
The Bal-Mukund curriculum adopts a holistic approach to child development. It ensures that the development of all four quotients needed for a successful, well-balanced and happy life is encouraged in children. Spirituality, Intelligence, Adversity and Emotional quotients are all addressed and Bal-Mukund activities promote awareness amongst children in all these areas of development. Through art, craft, games, storytelling, meditation, yoga and pranayam a multifaceted approach is adopted toward teaching the child and ensuring that their experience at Bal-Mukund is positive, self-fulfilling and fun.
For more details, check out our worldwide initiatives at:
www.JKYog.org | www.Bal-Mukund.org
Swamiji’s exemplary life
Swami Mukundananda is a renowned spiritual teacher from India, and is the senior disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. He is the founder of the Yogic system called “Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog.”
Swamiji is a unique sanyasi (in the renounced order of life), who has a distinguished technical and management educational background as well.
Academic and Professional Accomplishments
Swami Mukundananda completed B.Tech. from the world-renowned Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi. He then did MBA from the equally distinguished Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Kolkata. After that, he worked for some time with one of India’s topmost industrial houses.
However, distinguished material education and a promising corporate career did not quench his thirst for knowing the Absolute Truth. The longing for God was so strong that he renounced his career and traveled throughout India as a sanyasi.
At the Lotus Feet of his Spiritual Master
Ultimately his search took him to the lotus feet of his Spiritual Master, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj (who is lovingly called “Maharajji” by his devotees). He was overawed by the unfathomable scriptural knowledge and ocean of Divine love that he saw manifest in his Spiritual Master. About this first meeting, Maharajji later remarked, “He recognized me as one would recognize his mother.”
Under the guidance of Shree Maharajji, he practiced intense sadhana while residing at the ashram. He also extensively studied the Vedic scriptures, and the Indian and Western systems of philosophy. Upon completion of his studies, his Guru entrusted him with the key task of propagating the ancient knowledge of the Eternal Truth the world over.
Swamiji was first introduced to yogasans and Hatha Yog meditational techniques in childhood, and he continued its practice while growing up. As he transitioned to Bhakti Yog, he changed his meditational techniques, but continued with his daily practice of yogasans. Seeing his interest in Yog, Kripaluji Maharaj asked him to teach a holistic system of Yog, to correct the anomaly in the Western world, where Yoga was being taught as a mere physical science.
On his Spiritual Master’s instructions, Swamiji visited reputed Yoga Universities all over India, studying their yogic techniques. He then incorporated the best practices of Hatha Yog, and amalgamated it with Bhakti Yog, to formulate the system of “Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog.”
Worldwide Mission
For the last quarter of a century, Shree Swamiji has been traveling far and wide, awakening hundreds of thousands of seekers. Wherever Swamji goes, he attracts huge audiences. Hearing the profound secrets of the Vedas from him is a rare privilege, for he is able to explain the ancient esoteric knowledge with rigorous scientific logic, in the modern context.
Using perfect logic, and a simple-yet-scientific approach, Swamiji offers new ways of understanding and applying the knowledge of the scriptures in our daily lives. The hallmark of his lectures is the ease with which he dispels various myths and misnomers associated with the various paths of God-realization, and his ability to penetrate even the toughest minds and convince them with depth of understanding and scriptural veracity.
Inspiring Discourses
Swamiji’s lectures cover the teachings of the Vedas, Upanishads, Shreemad Bhagavatam, Puranas, Bhagavad Geeta, Ramayan, and other Eastern scriptures and Western philosophies. Like the true Disciple of a true Master, Swamiji masterfully quotes from the scriptures of all the great religions, to satisfy even the most discerning of knowledge-seekers. He also reveals the simple and straightforward path to God-realization that can be practiced by anyone.
India Post News Service