NEWARK, CA: As a prelude to Diwali and in celebrations leading to Durga Puja, most weekends are filled with denizens dancing to the tunes of Dandiya and Garba songs all over the Bay area. One of the leading Dandiyas is organized by Small Steps Foundation (SSF). This year SSF organized Dandiya on October 13 at Newark Memorial’s hall packed to capacity. In order to accommodate increasing number of participants, this year’s hall was double the previous year’s capacity and still all the tickets were sold out prior to the day of Dandiya.
Small Steps Foundation (SSF) is a non-profit organization. Its primary mission is to support projects targeted at formal and informal education for underprivileged children in India. More information on SSF can be found at http://www.small-stepsfoundation.org/about_ssf
Dandiya was supported by local businesses. Sonal Jagad, owner of Safari Kid (Mowry) said that they arranged for complimentary child care facility ‘Kid’s Corner’ for parents to enjoy the night without worry.
Friends and families came in groups and enjoyed the night dancing to the tune of goddess Ambe’s songs. The dancing lessons were provided by Purvi Bhansali of Bollynritya. Colorful dresses, shining sticks and well perfected dance steps made the whole event festive and mesmerizing.
– Ritu Maheshwari
India Post News Service