CHICAGO: The Global Patidar Business Summit (GPBS) promotional event was beautifully organized at Rana Regan Banquet Hall in collaboration with Bharatiya Senior Citizen of Chicago on Sunday, July 9, 2023
President Haribhai Patel in the presence of business leader Mafatbhai V Patel (Patel Brothers) Chicago, Chairman of the program. BSC Secretary RasilaDobriya started the program with Ganesh Vandana. This was followed by American National Anthem and Indian National Anthem.
Chaturbhai Savalia commenced the program furnishing details about the three hours program. Haribhai Patel along with Vice President Hirjibhai Ponkia, Secretary Rasila Dobriya, Joint Secretary Vishnubhai Patel Treasurer Madarsang Chavda, IndukumarVaghani and Managing Trustee Parasottambhai Pandya were invited by Puspaguchcha to Sardar DhamPresident Sevak Gagajibhai Sutaria Vice President Parulbhai and RameshbhaiBalar, and other donors of Sardar Dham to the stage
A warm welcome and thanks were offered in coordination with BSC organization, Gordhanbhai Patel (American Standard) donated 51 lakh rupees, committee member RameshbhaiRupani donated 51 lakh rupees and businessman MaganbhaiVekaria donated 51 lakh rupees.
Gagjibhai was felicitated with flowers and three donors signed up for the ongoing program 51-51 and donated one crore rupees, the owner of ‘Neehee Restaurant’ in Chicago also signed up as a donor and 10% discount on food to BSC members. The announcement was made and everyone expressed their enthusiasm by clapping. The organizers of the Sardar Dham team were overwhelmed by this. Dinner for 700 people was served by BSC President Haribhai and all the expenses of the program and dinner were personally given by the President of BSC.
Jayanti Oza