As we all know, a recent horrific Sikh shooting in Wisconsin has shaken the Indo-American community. In the past, there have been many outbreaks of hate crimes and violence. However, there is tremendous drive in the US to increase awareness and tolerance. California Governor Jerry Brown signed two bills into law on Saturday, September 8.
These bills aim to uphold civil liberties and seek to prevent such tragedies. Governor Brown is in his third term as California Governor. He has been able to motivate both Democrats and Republicans to accomplish many historic legislations.
With the passage of bills AB 1964 and SB 1540, California leads the fight against discrimination.
Ritu Maheshwari talked to Governor Brown on the occasion of signing the bills.
Ritu: Governor, please tell us about the bills you signed today.
Governor: The first bill will make it illegal for work places to discriminate against people because of their religious clothing or their practices.
The second bill will change California history books to include Sikh history. Both bills are geared towards removing ignorance and misunderstanding and create a more welcoming spirit and feeling in California.
Governor added on religious and cultural unity:
People were shot in Wisconsin and this hate and prejudice is all over all the world. We need to show that we are all united against such horrific events. We need to strive to make a better place for everyone. We need to work on breaking down prejudice every day. The two bills I signed today are efforts in that direction.