CHICAGO: A Rajyoga teacher and scholar Brahmakumari Usha Ji is not an unknown entity for Chicagoans or for that matter the Indian Americans in North America. She had come last year and she keeps coming here at the invitation of her followers who need a periodic pep talk for spiritual upliftment and coming out of their stressful lie. BK Ushaji was here last week addressing an elite gathering of those who knew her and also those who had to get a first hand feel of her personality and depth of knowledge.
And she did not disappoint all those present at the Waster Ford Banquet in Elkgrove Village (south west suburb of Chicago) through her novel and different interpretation of Ramayana, Bhagvad Gita and talk on stress free life. She likened all the important characters in Maharaja Dusrath family to ten Indiryas (faculty senses and instincts) with Dus Rath as the head. If one has good control of the Indriyas, one could easily live a stress free and healthy life.
In a talk to this paper, she said that she plans to go to Canada and then to Trinidad before flying back to India. Her visit to this part of the world is at the behest of Brahma Kumari centers the world over. There are hundreds of such centers in 140 countries and they are doing yeomen service to the society.
BK Usha Ji said that the Brahm Kumaris across the world pick up various global projects at a time and everybody within the centers and outside the facilities of BKs participate. One such project on the anvil is “Million Ways to Do Good” and it will be announced before long. In all probability, the BKs around the world will have active participation in the project.
Brahma Kumari Usha is a Senior Raja Yoga Meditation teacher and a Management Trainer. She has participated in a number of conferences and seminars at national and international levels, emphasizing the importance of spiritual values.
She has been conferred with the Hall of Fame award by the Public Relations Council of India for her outstanding contribution to the PR profession in 2011; Sunrise Peace Mission gave her a Peace award. She is a popular figure on Indian TVs with many of her lectures being telecast from time to time on Aastha, Sanskar, Sadhana, Zee Jagran, Peace of Mind channels and various city cables.
With her innate qualities, capabilities and Supreme Father’s blessings she has focused her strength and specialty into a meaningful channel. In fact, she is a practical example of “Applied Spirituality”. She has played a key role in the implementation of Self Management Training Programs as expounded by Brahma Kumari Self Management Systems.
Usha Ji has been invited by many industrial houses in India and abroad to impart systematic Self Managing Leadership courses for high ranking executives and management staff, thus blending Spiritual dimension with Modern Management philosophy.
Some of them are General Electric (Hong Kong), Thai Rayon Company (Thailand), Pan Edible Oils (Malaysia), DRDO, Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd., Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, IFFCO, KRIBHCO, Gujarat Milk Marketing Federation, AMUL, BSNL, Godrej, Tata Iron and Steel, IPCL, ONGC, Steel Authority of India among others.
She has made thousands of presentations in various colleges, universities, medical associations, social organizations management associations and corporate sectors.
Vinesh Virani