On July 1, the California chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CA) hosted the 12th annual Capitol Ramadan Iftar commemorating the holy month of Ramadan. The reception drew more than 200 state elected officials, community members and interfaith leaders to break the fast with one another at the California Capitol.
This year’s Capitol Ramadan Iftar was co-hosted by more than 55 assembly members and senators who also co-authored a member resolution, presented by Senator Richard Pan, congratulating the American Muslim community on commencing Ramadan and also for its contributions to the fabric of the state of California.
This year’s reception included addresses by Senator Richard Pan, Assembly Members Kevin McCarty, Jim Cooper and Ken Cooley, along with several other legislators.
“CAIR-California’s annual Capitol Ramadan Iftar is a momentous event that draws together community leaders and state legislators to break bread and commemorate Ramadan,” said CAIR-SV Executive Director, Basim Elkarra. “The support of elected officials in co-hosting the iftar and in co-authoring the resolution sends a message to the nearly 1 million Muslims in California that they are part of the great fabric of the state of California and that their achievements are recognized.”
India Post News Service