PALATINE, CA: Tammy Duckworth, 8th US District Congresswomen from Illinois, USA visited Sikh Religious Society in Palatine, a Chicago suburb, last week.
This was her first visit to the Sikh Gurdwara Sahib. Visit was arranged by Thakar S Basati, Executive Director Palatine Township Democrats. She was greeted with a flower bouquet by the Sangat members and given a tour of Langar Hall, kitchen and Children’s Sunday School.
She took tour of Library and enquired about collection of books.
S Harwinderpal Singh Lail, Chairman Constitution Implementation Committee, introduced her and talked about how she lost both her legs flying plane in Iraq, instead of giving up.
Mrs Duckworth started her short speech with Sikh slogan, “Waheguru Ji Ka Khlasa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.” She said she was born and raised in Thailand, where she learned about Sikhs and how they helped British win wars.
Her mother is Buddhist and spoke no English when they came to US. She had to translate for her mom. She understands the tough life immigrants go through to settle here. She understands how most immigrants work double jobs to put food on table.
She said she was aware of Sikh tradition of “Try Peace first.” If other means fail, then it is OK to use power, which is in line with US policies. She invited Sangat members to contact her office for any Medicare, Medicaid, Immigration or visa issues.
She was presented World War 2 poster SRS President S. Sokhi Singh and other Trustees. It will be hung in her office. S. Rajinderbir Singh Mago, Community activist, the told Sangat that it was Mrs Duckworth who co-sponsored the bill that will allow bearded Sikhs to serve in US army.
Thakar Basati