Dallas Senior Citizens’celebratory picnic


Jayanti Oza

NORTH DALLAS TX: A group of seniors emerging with enthusiasm and vigor in Dallas, Texas on Saturday, June 26 2021 was a very pleasant sight at – Breckenridge Park, Richardson.

BSrsThey Held a five hours grand picnic with 165members participating in the event. This group of new Indian Senior Citizen of Dallas hosted the picnic starting with hot fenugreek curry and tea.  PraveenbhaiPansuria, President of the organization welcomed the members, introduced the keynote speaker RomabenPithadiya and welcomed the new members by providing information about the organization.

Romabenis CEO of a reputed Texas-based company in the business of finance and insurance. She gave a detailed understanding of senior health insurance and Medicare & Medicaid. Satisfactory answers to personal questions related to benefits as well. The Lunch afterward comprised of delicious Idli Sambhar, Masala Dhosa, Mugni Dal Shiro, and Cool Buttermilk.

The delicious food was prepared by the women executives of KundanbenBadhiwala, Purnima Ben Shah and Bharti Ben Patel, The success of the picnic was due to huge efforts by HiralalSutariya, ShantibhaiGabani, Devraj Patel, R.D. Ramoliya, HashmukhShavaliya, Vithalbhai Balar, V.K. Limbani, ParimalSampat and the President who worked harder.

The 37 members whose birthday fell in the month of June were given a gift from RomabenPithadia and who wished them Happy birthday. All the members enjoyed playing chopat and other games in this huge park. All the senior members enjoyed the group chat. The Secretary of the organization V.K. Limbani delivered vote of thanks to the seniors & guests. BSrs

Indian Senior Citizen of Dallas has encouraged members and delivered gifts to their homes every month during the entire period of Corona epidemic.

Masks and sanitizer packets, dried fruit packets, baskets of fresh fruit, boxes of sweets as well as comfort via everyone’s phone contact.

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