ST. LOUIS: In a sign of confidence, the Missouri State Administrative Hearing Commission unanimously elected Sreenivasa Rao (Sreenu) Dandamudi to simultaneously serve as the President and Managing Commissioner of the panel.
The Administrative Hearing Commission conducts hearings and makes findings of fact and conclusions of law in court cases involving a license issued by a number of state agencies, including the Missouri Dental Board, the Board of Accountancy, the Board of Nursing, the Missouri Real Estate Commission and the Department of Health and Senior Services among several others. Dandamudi will oversee budget and legislation as well as personnel of the Commission.
Nominated by Commissioner Mary E. Nelson, “Sreenu is exceedingly qualified to lead this body and maintain its ethical oversight,” she says. Highly regarded in State government as well as the legal community, “Commissioner Dandamudi’s nomination speaks to his abilities and years of experience serving the state of Missouri,” says Judge George W. Draper, III, of the Missouri Supreme Court.
Dandamudi has extensive experience working in the public sector, beginning in 2001 when he served as an Assistant Attorney General, and then later as General Counsel for the Missouri Board of the Healing Arts. He was also selected by the Federation of State Medical Boards to serve as a member of the faculty for its Board Attorney Workshop from 2007-2010. In 2010 he was appointed by Governor Jay Nixon to serve on the Administrative Hearing Commission.
In addition to his work with the State of Missouri and the Federation of State Medical Boards, Commissioner Dandamudi has been active in the Missouri Bar Association, including participation in the 2006-2007 Leadership Academy class. In June 2012, he participated in a seven-member bipartisan delegation to China and Taiwan sponsored by the American Council of Young Political Leaders.
Ashwin Patel