India Post News Service
“We are deeply saddened and disheartened at the passing away of Dr. Mukul Chandra, a cardiologist, who died on Sunday, October 18 2020, as a sequel to COVID disease,” said Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI).
Dr. Chandra 57 graduated from MS University in Baroda, India, and completed further trainings at SGPGI Lucknow, India; Hadassah University Hospital Ein Kerem – Jerusalem, Israel; and Emory University, Atlanta. He completed his cardiology fellowship at the University of Texas Medical Branch.
Dr. Chandra served as Medical Director of Cardiac Preventive Care and Research, and was the Vice Chair of the Cardiovascular Service Line at Miami Valley Hospital. He also was an Assistant Clinical Professor at Wright State University. He was the recipient of the 2008 AHA Distinguished Achievement Award and the Health Care Hero and Innovator of the Year Award from the Dayton Business Journal.
Dr. Chandrais survived by his wife Arti, son Shubham, and daughter Aayushi. He succumbed to the deadly virus, after a long battle against COVID-19 and related complications.
Dr. Priya Khanna, 43, an Indian American nephrologist had died in a New Jersey Hospital. Her father Satyendra Khanna (78), a general surgeon was another Indian American who has sacrificed his life while saving the lives of others. Dr. Ajay Lodha, past president of AAPI is battling for his life with complications from the virus. There are many who are at the forefront working hard to save lives of those affected by COVID 19.
There are about 80,000 practicing Indian American physicians who are at the forefront of fighting COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. In addition, there are around 40,000 medical students, residents, and fellows of Indian origin in this country who are supporting many of the hospitals affected by the pandemic.
The family says they are not accepting donations at this time, but they will be asking people to donate to a local organization in lieu of flowers. The wake and funeral services were heldon Saturday 10/24/2020.