Clint Rogers
It was 3:30am in India when the phone rang and the desperate voice of Judith on the other end pleaded to speak with Dr. Pankaj Naram. “My family members are in a desperate situation, surrounded by the wildfires and smoke. Their children are experiencing irritation in lungs causing severe allergic coughing and panic attacks. All the emergency support services are not available right now and we can’t get any medication. Does Dr. Naram have any ancient self-healing secrets which can help?”
Fear, anxiety, and panic are in the hearts of so many in California whose homes have been burned and whose family members missing due to the devastating wildfires raging right now. Over 1,200 people missing as the death toll rises each day and people are desperately searching how to protect themselves against short-term and long term-damage from the side effects of this catastrophic situation.
According to recent reports of the air quality index, the toxic ash and fumes has left California with the worst air-quality in the world. It is so hazardous that breathing in that air for a day is roughly equivalent to smoking 14 cigarettes.
In such a desperate situation many are turning to an unexpected source, the ancient self-healing secrets that come from one of India’s own, Dr. Pankaj Naram, described by National Geographic as a ‘Master Healer’. Dr. Naram, who is the head of an unbroken lineage of a traditional healing system called Siddha-Veda, was knighted by the Ecumenical Medical-Humanitarian Order of St. John, and has helped thousands of people around the world including many world leaders.
The State legislature and now former governor of New Jersey had given an award to Dr. Naram for helping thousands of the 9-11 firefighters and other first responders affected by the toxic fumes and ash of that tragic day. And now Dr. Naram’s skill with ancient self-healing methods is being called on again for another emergency of huge proportion.
When Judith called Dr. Naram woke up and immediately spoke with the desperate family members in California. They told him, “The fire is not too far from our property, we are very worried. Our son is having a major allergic reaction in his lungs and our daughter is having a panic attack. We need help and can’t get to any place to buy medicine now, and Judith said we could trust you,” they told him.
Dr. Naram asked them if they had certain things available in their kitchen (e.g. ginger, turmeric powder, black pepper, honey, etc). They did, and so Dr. Naram gave them recipes for home remedies based on the ancient principles of self-healing that his master Baba Ramdas taught him.
For example, one ancient self-healing home remedy to protect your lungs and ease breathing that Dr. Naram gave them for their son was:
– Ginger juice 1 tsp or ginger powder 1/2 tsp
– Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
– Basil leaves 6 (if available)
– Black pepper crushed 1/2 tsp
– Honey 1 tsp
Mix and give your child throughout the day.
For helping improve sleep when feeling anxiety or to calm the mind during panic attacks:
– 1/2 tsp cow’s ghee (or if you don’t have then you can use coconut oil)
– 1 pinch nutmeg
Warm it slightly and put two drops in each nostril.
The family immediately began the ancient self-healing techniques Dr Naram gave them, including the home remedy above. Dr. Naram also shared some Marmaa Shakti points they could press on their body which would help. Within only 12-24 hours, the boy’s coughing had stopped by 60% and the girl’s anxiety had decreased in 48 hours by nearly 90%. As word spread, Dr Naram’s phone was ringing non-stop with people wanting to know what ancient self-healing remedies could help them.
In order to help more people affected by the toxic effects of the wildfires, a university researcher and author of the book series “Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer”, Dr. Rogers, began an interview series with Dr. Naram to discover and share more widely the Ancient Healing Secrets which are helping resolve serious problems. Featured on YouTube, this interview series covers ancient self-healing secrets for a variety of topics including how to protect your lungs, your eyes, how to reduce the heat of your body, how to improve sleep when suffering from anxiety, and what to do in panic attacks.
For more information on Dr. Naram or how to share this interview series with those you know who need it, you can contact questions@DrNaram.com www.DrNaram.com or call +1.888.817.3481
Clint Rogers adds:
Although the fire is now contained (thanks to brave firefighters and grace of God’s rain) so many are still suffering from the effects of toxic air… Discover Dr. Pankaj Naram’s Ancient Secrets to these major problems as he answers burning questions from those suffering from devastating effects of the California Wildfire.
In this video Dr Naram shares secrets in response to these questions:
– How can Ancient Secrets Help release trauma? (Question from Cath)
– How can you protect your lungs and detox your body from the toxic smoke and particles? (Question from Susan, Stacie, and Michael)
– What home remedies can help with skin rashes, itchiness, and allergies? (Question from Shazia for her aunt)