India Post News Service
CHICAGO: A Chicago based woman communityactivist working for SeniorsDr. Santosh Kumar was recently inducted as one of the Board of Directors for NIAASC during its 31st Annual Virtual Conference.

Dr. Santosh Kumar is a lifetime member of the NIAASC. The members who were present in the conference were Randhir Jaiswal – Consul General of India in New York, Dr. Sirinivasa K. Rao PhD; Dr. Hari Har Singh PhD; Dr. Jyothi Jasti MD; Dr. Mani Srinivasan- MD Consultant Infectious Diseases, Dr. Hari Har Singh – the Executive Director of National Federation of Indian American Associations (NFIA), Dr. Bhavani Srinivasan – NIAASC Vice President, Mrs. Gunjan Rastogi NIAASC President, Dr. Vasundhara Kalasapudi – Founder and Executive Director of India Home in New York, Harbachan Singh – Secretary, and E M Stephen -Treasurer.
NIAASC’s mission is to serve as the leading national information, referral and advocacy organization committed to wellbeing, and quality of life of Indo-Americans in their senior years, according to Rajeshwar Prasad, the founder and outgoing President,
The main topic of the conference was “The IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON SENIORS”. Dr. Santosh Kumar along with her CORE Team is one of the leading organizations staying in the forefront and fighting this pandemic to sustain MAFS/UMAS mission to service and keep the seniors of the community safe and most of all healthy!.
Dr. Kumar’s exemplary work during the Pandemic recently fetched her the award “COVID-19 RELIEF AND RESCUE HERO 2020”. This award was given by Congressman Danny K. Davis. It was in recognition of her outstanding service of providing daily hot meals, health care & home services to several hundred senior citizens of Chicagoland during the past six months since the spread of the pandemic. Congressman Danny K Davis praised Dr. Kumar and her staff for their bravery, perseverance and heroism during the Pandemic.
Meanwhile, Metropolitan Asian Family Services MAFS headed by Dr Santosh Kumar successfully conducted free COVID-19 testing for any one interested at its facilities in Chicagoland this January 21. Dr Kumar will also be now heading Gandhi Memorial Trust Chicago with her recent appointment as its president.