NEVADA: A multi-faith invocation opened the 25th “Earth Day” celebrations in Nevada on April 24 with chanting of Gayatri Mantra, considered the most sacred mantra of Hinduism.
Religious leaders who prayed included Rigoberto Ruano Mireles (Roman Catholic), Sumayya U. Beekun (Muslim), Rajan Zed (Hindu), Shelley L. Fisher (Buddhist), Daniel R. Sanchez (Jewish), Omar A. Palmer (Seventh-Day Adventist), Donald W. Watts and Ryan J. Earl (Mormons), Roya Galata (Baha’i), Harriet Kathryn Stewart (Pagan) and Justin R. Zuniga (Native American)
Rajan Zed directed this special multi-faith invocation which included Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Baha’i, Pagan and Native American prayers focused on healthier environment and respecting the nature of the planet we live on.
This annual all-day free event in Reno’s about 40-acres Idlewild Park reportedly attracted thousands of people from all over the region in Nevada and nearby California.
Dozens of non-profit groups participated in this event, which included few hundred exhibits, various workshops, interactive activities, stages with live entertainment, arts and crafts, food and drinks, games and prizes. Various themed areas formed part of the celebrations. Philosophy behind the “Earth Day” celebrations includes respect-protect-explore-engage in the Nature of the planet. Organizers included Anastacia Sullivan and Heather Howell.
Quoting ancient scriptures, Rajan Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism and who recited Gayatri Mantra, pointed out: “We may believe in different religions, yet we share the same home-our Earth. We must learn to happily progress or miserably perish together. For man can live individually but can only survive collectively”.
Harish Rao