FREMONT: The practice of Transition Life Style (TLS) has made a difference in the lives of many individuals who are now following it as a life-long lifestyle. Amongst them, Mrs Chitra Thakur was interviewed this week and asked to describe how she felt before and after taking up TLS program. Here are her answers:
India Post: How was the TLS class beneficial to you?
CT: This class was a major breakthrough in my career and passion.
I completed the 12 weeks class with an open mind and focused on my goal to lose weight and get my lab results normal. This class not only made me light but also brought my body in shape. I lost 5 inches of waist and reached small top size from large. I feel active and light, so enthusiastic to take up new challenges with confidence because I got rid of my knee pain and I can do better exercises, walk faster.
IP: How much goal achievement was there?
CT: Oh! It was more than the set goal. The best side-product was that I became pain free.
IP: Did your eating & lifestyle style change after the TLS education?
CT: Yes, now I eat what my body wants and not what my tongue wants. My test buds have changed so that the cravings have almost gone. Eating time is regularized. I am still exploring new foods.
IP: What are the changes that you noticed in your body or mind before and after attending the program? (Including lack of need for medications)

CT: My body is in shape and pain free. My metabolic age is reduced a lot. My mind has been affected so much that I opted to become a coach in TLS class in Fremont temple. I conducted my first teaching class recently and spreading the wellness message to the community especially to get pain free (510-474-1368, Fremont CA)
India Post News Service