Richa Chand
CHICAGO: Amid the continued Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, the Federation o f Indian Associations (FIA – CHICAGO) hosted India’s 74th Independence Day Virtual Event on Saturday, Aug 15, 2020 at Chicago Marriott Northwest, in Hoffman Estates, a Chicago suburb. Gurmeet Singh Dhalwan (FIA President 2020), Sunil Shah (FIA Founder President),
Surely this year’s Independence Day celebration was a bit subdued, due to all the safety concerns for Covid-19, but nonetheless the “josh” was high! The event was offered on-site for a limited few numbers of people, while most of the folks joined via Zoom or Facebook live feed.

The virtual program began promptly with rendition of American National Anthem by Jenish Bulsara, followed by the Indian National Anthem Jana-Gana-Mana sung melodiously by Pratibha Jairath & Vinita Gulabani, who were also the emcees for the event. A patriotic Welcome Dance was also presented by the students of SR Academy. Later in the program more patriotic songs were sung by Jitendra Bulsara.
The FIA Founder President Sunil Shah, presented the Welcome address, followed by Gurmeet Singh Dhalwan, President FIA-Chicago, and Onkar Sangha, Founder and Past President. Rita Singh, Founding member introduced Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi. Neil Khot, Founding member, introduced Indian Consul General Amit Kumar, who in his address gave lot of information about support services offered by the Consul office. Sunil Shah introduced the Chairman of Ghoman Group, AmarbirGhoman.
During his speech FIA President Gurmeet Dhalwan expressed, that this year due to the pandemic created by COVID -19, FIA Chicago took a cautious decision of celebrating the Independence Day virtually.
We started this year with a successful grand event of celebration of India’s republic day by having a health fair. We were planning for many more opportunities to bring our diaspora together when this worldwide pandemic brought it to this stage. But nevertheless, me and my 2020 committee of FIA Chicago has not stopped their efforts to help our community.” He also thanked the frontline warriors for all their dedicated efforts.
There was ceremonial lamp lighting with Sunil Shah, Rita Shah, Gurmeet Dhalwan, Onkar Sangha, Rita Singh, AmarbirGhoman. This was an innovative lamp lighting this time, as all the folks (connected online) were requested to raise hands and Team FIA members were requested to hold a candle during lamp lighting
After the FIA Board 2020 member introductions, the following dignitaries present at the event were invited to say a few words: State Representative Michelle Mussman, Hoffman Estate Mayor William Mcleod, CEO RedberriCorp, Deepak Kant Vyas, CEO MAFS Mrs Santosh Kumar, Advisory Board members: Brij Sharma, Asha Oroskar, Sr. VP Hanmi Bank, Syed Hussaini, Pinky Thakkar
This year, FIA-Chicago Honored the Pandemic Heroes, our Front-line workers for their selfless service to humanity in these dire times. The following individuals were recognized: Dr. Sreenivas Reddy, Falguni Dave, Vikas Shahal Air India (Manager), Kalpesh Joshi from AAHOA, Exec Vice President Hitesh Gandhi.
Special Guest: – Rodney S. Craig, Mayor of Hanover Park, Village -IL
Supported by Vandana Jhingan (TVAsia)& Poonam Gupta certified Yoga Therapist
Event Coverage by Adbhhut Media – Online & Print Newspaper & Channel Your Region Your Paper, A Support For All Communities English & Punjabi is Print Media Have something to report? Share your story & news item! When is Your Event? Note -Event information must include Date, Time, Address & Contact information Mr. Gurmeet Singh Dhalwan Phone : 414 429 5313, 847 942 3641 Email :
After the Recognitions, Awards & Speeches, VarshaVisal presenting the Vote of Thanks, to all the dignitaries, attendees, guests, and sponsors, concluded the program