Federation of Indian Associations-Chicago [FIA] – a premier community umbrella organization of 30-years – passed a resolution hailing the landslide victory of Narendra Modi and warmly welcomed the clear mandate given to the BJP party by the Indian electorate in the historic elections held in India.
This distinctive resolution was tabled and adopted at a specially convened FIA board meeting held on Sunday May 18 in Chicago.
With a spirit of jubilation, FIA celebrated Narendra Modi’s resounding victory and his ascension to the office of the Prime Minister.
FIA further observed that the imperatives of good governance and development have driven the anxious and restless India in huge droves to the polls – thus electing a leader who has the fire in his belly to bring quantum leap to India with effective governance.
The FIA resolution further lauded Narendra Modi for his indefatigable energy and unshakable devotion to the ideals of good governance and his resolute will to lead India in the 21st century ushering a rapid all round economic development of global magnitude. In its resolution, FIA extended its warmest and heartfelt best wishes to the Prime Minister.
Keerthi Kumar Ravoori, FIA President said in a statement, “We at FIA believe and hold our fervent hope that Shri Narendra Modi will hit the ground running in eradicating the stubbornly enduring evil of corruption and usher a ‘Clean India’ bereft of scams, scandals, apathy, inertia and champion the causes of the poor and launch robust governmental machinery that will uplift the teeming masses from the clutches of grinding poverty and hopelessness.”
Harish Rao