SKOKIE: First Bank & Trust and the Skokie Chamber of Commerce co-hosted a Gold Celebration on September 24 to celebrate the Gold-Level LEED certification of its 3,600 square-foot eco-friendly branch at 4007 Dempster Street.
This certification by the U.S. Green Building Council under its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program identifies and rewards the best practices for a building’s energy, water and natural resource performance. Highlights of 4007 Dempster Street building design include floor to ceiling “daylight harvesting” windows, a green roof and a geothermal heating and cooling system.
Approximately 100 guests attended including Skokie Mayor George Van Dusen, Illinois State Senator Daniel Biss, Skokie Chamber of Commerce President Howard Meyer, Project Architect Joseph Behles and First Bank & Trust Managing Director and CEO, Robert Yohanan and Managing Director, Jay Lytle were among the guests and speakers at the LEED Gold Celebration.
“This is an important lesson about the mutual positive interaction of running a successful profitable business, giving back to the community, and engaging in a very visionary long-term approach to sustainability,” said State Senator Daniel Biss. “I’m pleased to be included today in the celebration of the work you’re doing.”
In presenting the Gold-Level LEED certificate to Robert Yohanan and Jay Lytle, Skokie Mayor George Van Dusen said, “Not only have they led in sustainability and within the Skokie Chamber of Commerce, but First Bank & Trust also helped the Village of Skokie in a time of need. When the bank told the Village that they wanted to put in a building at Crawford and Dempster that would be a monument to what the Village stands, we couldn’t have been happier. We felt that by stabilizing this corner, it would bring in additional business. And in fact that is what it has.”
India Post News Service