SCHAUMBURG: A large group of Sikh and Indian American community of Illinois and Asian American friends hosted a fund raising reception and dinner for State of Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford, a candidate for Governor of Illinois, and his running mate candidate for Lt. Governor Steve Kim on November 23 at India House Banquet Hall, in Schaumburg.
The program started with a moment of silence for the 50th anniversary of assassination of John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of United States.
Several Sikh community leaders along with other leaders like Sunil Shah of FIA and Manju Goel, a candidate for the eighth Congressional district, also made remarks at the event.
Dan Rutherford and Steve Kim were honored with bouquets of flowers by children. They in turn presented two copies of books on Sikh history to the community.
Treasurer Dan Rutherford has been participating in the Punjabi, Sikh, Indian and Asian American community events for a number of years ever since he was a State Senator.
Both Rutherford and Kim have received honor awards – Sandra Otaka Memorial Grand Asian American award for Rutherford and Ping Tom Memorial Pan Asian America award for Kim by Asian American Coalition of Chicago in 2011.
Treasurer Rutherford hosted an exhibition “Sikh Contributions in World Wars” at the State of Illinois Building Thompson Center in Chicago from May 13-17.
Treasurer Rutherford also visited the Sikh Gurdwara in Palatine last September. He has always been an enthusiastic participant in Indian and Asian American functions.
Dan Rutherford talked about his plans for the State of Illinois as a Governor, if elected. Steve Kim said that he will not be a ceremonial figure Lt. Governor, but an active participant in jobs creation and retention in Illinois.
Rajinder Mago