-Pic Mohammed Jaffer-Snapsindia
NEW YORK: The Giving Back Foundation and Asia Society on October 19 hosted a panel discussion, a book signing for Meera Gandhi’s “Giving Back” book, and a reception at Asia Society’s headquarters and museum in New York City.
Meera Gandhi, CEO and Founder of The Giving Back Foundation and Donzelina Barroso, Senior Advisor at Rockefeller Philanthropies, discussed “Philanthropy in the East and West,” during the session.
Alisyn Camerota, host of Fox TV’s Fox and Friends Weekend program, moderated the panel, whose discussion points included: the changing landscape of philanthropy in the East and the West; emerging trends in giving back in the East and West, and their challenges and the differences and similarities in philanthropic giving in the East and the West. The discussion with Meera Gandhi and Donzelina Barroso concluded with a conversation about unique ways in which to encourage children and teenagers to “give back” at an early age.
Tom Nagorski, Executive Vice President and Acting Head of Asia Society, welcomed guests to the event.
The “Giving Back” book, with foreword by Cherie Blair, features people and charities that have inspired Meera Gandhi and the Giving Back Foundation, including Mother Teresa’s Asha Daan,
The Eleanor Roosevelt Leadership Center in Hyde Park, New York; Lord Loomba; Kristi Yamaguchi; Bono; Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his sister Kerry Kennedy; Steven Rockefeller; Deborah Norville; Donna Karan and many others.
The Giving Back Foundation, with operations in London, Hong Kong, New York and Mumbai, is a non-profit organization whose beneficiaries include carefully selected existing charities and individuals from around the world, with special emphasis on women and children.
Asia Society is the leading educational organization dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among peoples, leaders and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global context.
India Post News Service