Savinder Singh, Vikrant Singh, Dr.Bapu Arkapudi, Joe Nedumgottil, Radha Krishnan
CHICAGO: A two and half decade old ethnic Indian body with chapters across the globe, Global Organization of People of Indian Origin, had its launch in Chicago last week at the hands of Indian Consul General Dr. Ausuf Sayeed.
The event held on Friday November 7 at North shore Banquet Hall on Devon Avenue was presided over by GOPIO Executive Vice-President Sunny Kulathakal and it was well attended by members of Indian community across Chicagoland.
The Chapter unanimously elected Gladson Varghese as the President of Chicago Chapter. Gladson Varghese is the Divisional Director of Westinghouse Corporation, President & CEO of U.S. Techtronics and is currently working as Illinois Structural Engineering Board Commission.
The meet also elected prominent Businessman Hemant Trivedi as the Vice President, Punjab Association President and Businessman Savinder Singh as Secretary, Wintrust Bank Vice President Syed Hussaini as Treasurer, Agileeye Corporation CEO Vikrant Singh as Joint Secretary, and Businessman Joe Nedumgottil as Jt. Treasurer.
Four Board of Directors elected are Dr Bapu Arekapudi, former President of Indo American Democratic Organization (IADO), Ram Saini , president of Rajasthani Association Ram Saini, Kedar Navakal, president of Maharastra Association and Harish Kolasani., the FIA Joint Secretary
Sunny Kulathakal explained the vision, mission, activities and accomplishments of GOPIO and invited everybody to the GOPIO International Convention in January 2015 in New Delhi. Newly elected President Gladson Varghese welcomed everybody and explained his Vision and things GOPIO Chapter is planning to do in the future.
Consul General Dr Ausuf Sayeed in his address talked about the role GOPIO can play for the Indian community and requested Chicago Chapter to partner with Chicago Consulate and present a resolution on the issues facing Indian community. The GOPIO views, he assured, would be conveyed to the Indian government and the Prime Minister.
Prominent community leaders NFIA President Sohan Joshi, Former Illinois Deputy Treasurer Raja Krishnamurthy, IADO President Dr Ashish Sen, GOPIO life member from Detroit Radha Krishnan also addressed the gathering and offered their good wishes to the GOPIO Chicago Chapter. The well attended meeting concluded with dinner.
Hina Trivedi