CHICAGO: Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner proclaimed April 14, 2018 as “Sikh American Heritage Day” in Illinois. Representing the Governor, Lieutenant Governor Ms Evelyn Sanguetti came to address the Sikh congregation in Palatine and presented the proclamation to the community at the Sikh Religious Society Palatine Gurdwara.
The proclamation enumerated and honored the achievements, services, and contributions of Sikhs in America. The Lt Governor presented the document detailing the proclamation to the Trustees of the Sikh Religious Society. More than 1000 members, guests and invitees attended the event. The Sikh Sunday school children welcomed Lt Governor Ms Evelyn with flower bouquets. Ms Evelyn also toured the Langar hall and kitchen watching flat round bread (Roti) being freshly baked.
Society president Dr. Pardeep Singh Gill thanked the Lt. Governor while Rajinder Singh Mago coordinated the Proclamation event at the Gurdwara in Palatine.
April 14 is Vaisakhi day which is a cultural festival in Punjab, India, but it is also significantly historic, and transformational event in the Sikh world. This day in 1699 in Anandpur Sahib Punjab, near Chandigarh, the tenth Sikh Guru Gobind Singh created the order of Khalsa and prescribed the Sikh way of life asking the followers to keep five articles of faith including unshorn hair and Kirpaan, building self esteem and valor in the common people oppressed by tyrannical rulers.

The first five Khalsa (Panj Pyaare) known as Five Beloved Ones were initiated on this day. Each of them were of a different caste and came from different corners of India. Later the Guru bowed before the five initiates and asked them to initiate him, thus the Sikh initiation ceremony (Amrit Chhakna) got started.
Khalsa were enjoined to engage in just struggle, righteous defiance and supreme sacrifices to attain these rights as a way to serve and honor the highest ideals set for the Sikhs by the tenth Sikh Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708).
Vaisakhi day was celebrated at Gurdwaras in Palatine, Wheaton and Chicago, Illinois with great fervor and devotion. More than 1000 devotees attended the Keertan, prayers, and partook of Langar. Newly initiated Khalsas walked in a ceremonial procession, bowed to the Guru and were presented to the congregation amidst cheerful chants of “Jo Bole So Nihaal, Sat Siri Akaal.”
Surendra Ullal