NAPERVILLE: Indian Community Outreach (ICO) hosted a musical banquet to unveil the plans for 2017 India Day to celebrate 70 years of India’s Independence Day.
The event attended by over 200 people also had graceful presence of Naperville Mayor, Steve Chirico, Consul General of India, Ms. Neeta Bhushan, Naperville City Council Members, elected representatives, sponsors, community leaders and representatives from media fraternity.
With many exciting additions, this year’s India Day will again take place at Knock Park in Naperville on August 13 and will feature a grand colorful parade and a concert by Bollywood star Mika Singh, concluding with bright display of fireworks.
Naperville Mayor Steve Chirico, Chief Guest at the event welcomed the new Consul General of India, Ms. Neeta Bhushan, saying, “India Day Celebration in a short span of just two years has become a very impressive event showcasing the Indian culture and heritage.” He congratulated India Community Outreach and ICO team for putting in hard work and for achieving the goal of educating and integrating the communities while enhancing economic interest of Naperville.
ICO has been instrumental in facilitating many Indian American businesses to come to Naperville citing the example of Patel brothers for opening a new store in Naperville. He specifically mentioned the initiative taken by Swetal Patel of Patel Bros. Patel Bros also confirmed by extending their support for 2 years.
Indian CG Ms. Neeta Bhushan said that she had been hearing about India Day and is looking forward to attending the event. She added that none of our events will be complete without Naperville Community as they are the largest group of community in Naperville. She said all major events will happen in Naperville. Earlier Dinkar Karumuri, member of ICO Board, welcomed and introduced the Consul General of India.

Krishna Bansal, Chairman of ICO said that 2017 India Day Celebration would be one of the largest and best Indian American event in United States. Bollywood Rock Star Mika Singh will be the star performer this year. He said here would be multiple activities lined up from morning 11 am to 9:30 pm that includes International Food Court, Ethnic Indian Bazaar, Children’s park, Local Talent show, Indian Fashion Show, Parade, Bollywood Concert, Colorful Fireworks and many more to be added in the activities. Maintaining the commitment, event will again be free to attend for everyone, he said.
Naish Shah, President of Naperville Rotary Club, was a special speaker who emphasized the necessity of civic engagement for the Indian American Community. He applauded ICO for its efforts and urged everyone to come forward and becoming engaged.
Viral Shah, treasurer of ICO highlighted ICO’s efforts in different programs/engagements including ‘Conversations’ for enhancing Civic Participation and Social Awareness; ‘Lotus Scholarship & Awards’ to recognize students and leaders of Indian Origin in every field;
Indian businesses networking and education forums; India Day – Showcasing and Celebrating Cultures; contributing in various charity initiatives and participation in local events to represent Indian American Community.
Chirag Jani, ICO board member and India Day co-chair, said that the “contributions by Indian Americans businesses will play a role in boosting self-confidence to next generation and build assurance in all other communities about the contributions and heritage of Indian Americans.” He thanked everyone who took the opportunity to sign pledges for sponsoring this mega event.
Indian Community Outreach is a non-profit organization initiated in 2013 by Naperville Mayor A. George Pradel and helps foster connections with residents of varied and diverse cultural backgrounds.
Dave Vaudevan & Ashfaq Syed