Surendra Ullal
CHICAGO: Global Gayatri Pariwar’s Gayatri Shaktipeeth celebrated Gurupurnima last month at Lake Opeka (corner of Lee &Touhy) Desplaines with 108 Kundi Gayatri Maha Yagya.
The start was with Pragya sangeet sung by Kusum Patel, Harshaben Bhanuben, Vilasben and Rajnibhai. In Mahakalki Gita Katha, Kusumben said that it transforms one to become divine. It is the biggest service to society as well as to God. Selfless service, piousness, surrender to God and faith in Guru are the main characteristics of a disciple.
Main Yajmans Vishnubhai and Chamben Patel inaugurated the Souvenir book “Mahakalki Gita” with Dr. Amratbhai Patel, a naturopath from India.
Dr. Amratbhai in his talk said that in last 35 years he had cured more than 50,000 patients naturally. He can cure any disease and showed some techniques about what to eat, when and how to eat. He also mentioned that he is going to give his service to Gayatri Shaktipeeth Chicago in Des Plaines, (847)257-7048. His service well cover service 7:30 to 8; Aarti, prayer, 8 am to 10am; Yoga-Paranayam 4pm to 6 pm and discussion about different diseases and how to resolve any problem.
Sangita Gupta’s baby shower meaning Garbhapujan rituals were performed during yagya.
Guru Purnima is celebrated every year on the full moon day of the lunar month Aashad to strengthen spiritual bonds between Guru (spiritual teacher) and Shishya (disciple). This festival is also celebrated as Vyasa Purnima in the honor of Sage Veda Vyas.

A guru understands his disciples in totality. This is the only relationship in which a person is understood so holistically. Others will know a person, but in bits and pieces. A mother understands her child, but she cannot do so completely because when her child grows into youth, his personality changes so much that a mother might wonder if he is the same child she nurtured. The relationship between a wife and husband is very deep. They understand each other very well. Even then, there are instances when they might find themselves as complete strangers. It is only the relationship of Guru and disciple that the Guru understands the disciple completely. His understanding is not superficial. He knows his entire personality, his chitta and samskaras too. In addition to this life, he also knows the past lives of the disciple.
When the disciple surrenders himself more and more, then the Guru’s presence is felt more and more within the self. If we can achieve this, then we have truly celebrated Guru Purnima, said Kusumben Patel.