Hari Om Mandir celebrates Diwali festival

Hari Om Mandir celbrated Diwali with Chappan (56) Bhog
Hari Om Mandir celbrated Diwali with Chappan (56) Bhog

CHICAGO: With Chappan (56) Bhog, Hari Om Mandir in Medina (a Northwest Chicago suburb) culminated its Diwlai celebration in the presence of hundreds of devottes and Mandir officials.
On the five days of Diwali celebrations, the temple opened early in the morning to facilitate those who came to offer prayers for the New Year. There was a continuous flow of people all day who came to the temple for Darshan.
Devotees prepared 56 Bhog with different types of Indian vegetarian food. The food was decorated by volunteers in similar steel bowls. In all 108 different dishes were arranged.
The Mandir officials headed by Rajeev Bharel, and Ayodhia Salwan with a large number of volunteers worked hard for the success of the festival. The major corporate sponsors were Cuisine of India, Spice Mart, India House and Star Foods.

Asian Media USA

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