Hindi Club hosts Members Appreciation Day

Founder president Gurbachan Kaur addressing the meet
Founder president Gurbachan Kaur addressing the meet


CHICAGO: The Hindi Club of Illinois (HCI) organized its first annual Members Appreciation day November 15 in Schaumburg, a north side suburb of Chicago, at Schaumburg Township Republican Organization office.

HCI plans to make Members Appreciation Day a fixture of its annual activities. Gurbachan Neelam Kaur, its founder president told India Post that the club plans to celebrate its 10th Hindi Divas in September 2020 with an informative and interesting program.

Besides celebrating the Hindi Divas, the club has also been chalking out a full year of different activities from March to November next year. It will include a monthly Hindi Pratibha Manch in which the club will encourage participation of local talents to perform in different selected cities.

The Club will have members/family picnic, a fundraising event, Hindi Divas gathering, Diwali celebration and the year will end with Members Appreciation day.

“Our members will have lot of discounts and benefits at these events and free Hindi library membership. So we encourage all Hindi lovers to be a member of this club and help promote Hindi overseas, particularly in Midwest area,” Gurbachan Kaur said.

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