Vijay Chopra
CHICAGO: During this pandemic year Hindi Club of Illinois (HCI) has hosted many online events. But the one that it hosted on Saturday, December 19 was rather special. Promoted as Anterrashtriya Kavi Sammelan it turned out to be a great and stimulating gathering of Hindi talents from across various parts of our world.

Noted Hindi writers and poets from India, Australia, Canada and the USA shared their high quality poetic recitals during a two-hour event. The event was carried live on Facebook and was followed live by thousands of enthusiastic fans over many countries.
The event opened with HCI Secretary, Vijay Chopra introducing HCI Founder and President Gurbachan Kaur Neelam who shared some background about the Club and welcomed the participants. Program started with a traditional Saraswati Vandana recital by Dr. Nisha Pandya who also skillfully emceed the event.
Chief Guest Keshav Rai, President, Vishaw Hindi Academy, Mumbai applauded HCI for its pioneering efforts in promoting Hindi overseas. Through his poem he encouraged all Indian diaspora to keep this flame of language and culture burning bright. Chanchala Priyadarshini of Boston shared her thoughtful and touching poem on motherhood. Monica Sharma of Faridabad, India recitals included feelings of staying away abroad.

Dr. Farooque Rehman of Mumbai showcased some moving poetry about down to earth topics. Ambica Sharma from Montreal shared her sentiments about middle age women not giving up.
Special Guest Girlish Vidrohi, Rashtriay Kavi, a song writer and highly regarded and decorated writer kept the audience spell bound with his unique style and recitals. Canadian poetess Pramilla Bhargava shared her views about struggles in learning Hindi in a foreign country. Talented couple Bhavana Kunwar and Prageet Kunwar from Sydney, Australia shared their ghazal recitals.
The event rounded off with an impressive poem on various aspects of life by HCI Secretary, Vijay Chopra. In closing this wonderful event he thanked the vital technical support of Puneet Chhibber, expert compering by Nisha Pandya and our supporters Sunil Shah, Ashok Lachlan of PMI mortgage, SBI, Regal Jewels, Ganesh Temple, Radio Panipuri.

HCI will host its next virtual event on World Hindi Divas, January 10, 2021 at 10:30 am Central. Please watch our home page www.hindiclub.org or our Facebook page /HindiClubIL for details.