Huge protest rally in Chicago against Pak aided terrorism

pROEST HPIndian Americans across the United States have once again shown and proved that they are one and get united easily,  sinking  their differences and diversity when there is a call for help from India or any part of the world for a just cause.

This time it was a strong desire and determination to condemn terrorist attack on Indian soldiers in Kashmir, a state within the Indian Union that brought them together.  The peaceful protest and huge gatherings were staged and organized across Chicago in line with similar meets in other parts of USA.

CHICAGO: It was easily one of the biggest rallies of Indian Americans gathering in shivering cold in Chicago down on Thursday February 21 in the morning to protest against cross border terrorism in Indian subcontinent primarily engineered by Pakistan

With the chants of ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ reverberating on the famed Michigan Avenue corridor, a massive congregation of deeply grieving Indian Americans bearing tricolor Indian and star-spangled American flags denounced Pakistan for its complicity in terrorism in front of Pakistan Consulate Office. The gathering also expressed anger against China who has been tacitly supporting Pakistan in its nefarious game.

It was for the first time ever that the protesting Indian Americans also had a   march to the Chinese Consulate office, one mile away from the Pakistani consulate, on Eerie Street to show their displeasure at Chinese government for its tacit support to terrorists Pakistan.

The gathering clearly underlined the fact that Indians get untied for a national cause. More than 400 motivated Indian Americans had assembled displaying their unflinching determination  to stand solidly with  the fallen soldiers who were targets of the dastardly attack in the Indian State of Kashmir . Large convoys of Indian Americans arrived in buses, cars and trains to show solidarity with India, especially the victims of Pulwama terrorist attack perpetrated with an active connivance of Pakistan.


Raising slogans within an earshot of Pakistani Consul General, the crowds continued to raise the protest decibels. In some remarks, emotions were visible but the resolve was unmistakably firm with each pledging to do their part to awaken the world community of these seemingly frequent murderous assaults on Indians.

The clear cut message was that Indian Americans would launch a sustained campaign against Pakistan until it stops cross-border terrorism. With patriotic fervor spilling over on the sidewalks of Michigan Ave. all the way to the Chinese Consulate Office down a mile away on Erie Street.

Dr. Bharat Barai, a front ranking community leader, welcomed all those gathered in front of Pakistani consulate in Chicago down town for their support and appreciated them for their patriotic spirit. He was hugely critical of Pakistan for its nefarious role in supporting cross border terrorism

He outlined 5000 years history of India with Kashmir as an epicenter of religious, educational, cultural heritage. He thanked world powers including USA, UK, France, Russia and many Islamic countries for condemning the Pulwama attack and supporting India.

The protest rally was led by community activists among others: Harendra Mangrola, Iftekhar Shareef, Keerthi Kumar Harish Kolsani, Hemant Patel, Nirav Patel, J.D. Digvanker, Shamkanth Sheth, Prasad Yelalmanchi, Amar Upadhyay, Nitin Garg, Chirayu Parikh, Rohit Joshi Amitabh Mittal. Each of them articulated messages that summarized that Pakistan is a hub of terrorism. Hemant Patel said “terrorism is not only a political issue; it is also an ideological war, which is affecting the entire humanity. The suicide bombers are brainwashed from their infancy. “

The Pakistani connection was found in most major terror attacks in the world. A request was made to the Muslim community to educate and restrain the Jihadi ideology and terrorism. FIA Trustee Iftekhar Shareef in his remarks expressed outrage and demanded Pakistan cease and desist from perpetrating terrorism mayhem in India. He urged the International communities to join India in collectively condemning this heinous act.

PROTEST THEMEHarish Kolasani, Rally Coordinator said if Pakistan was able to kill one Indian, there would be one million who will rise up against them. Keerthi Kumar Ravoori said we mourn the loss of life of the soldiers in this deadliest terrorist attack in India and challenged Pakistan government to take proactive measurable actions to snub the scourge of terrorism.

Dr Bhara Barai and three other leaders went to submit a Memorandum to the Pakistan Consul General but had to be content with delivering the message to the officials inside the Consulate as Pakistan CG was not available there or was not inclined to meet the leaders

From there, the protesters went to the Chinese Consulate. They showed placards denouncing China’s double talk on terrorism. On one side, China denounces all terrorism. On the other side, China has consistently blocked UN Security Council from proscribing the Pakistani terrorist organizations. Lashkar e Taiba and its leader Hafiz Saeed; Jaish e Muhammed and its leader Masood Azhar have been responsible for many terror attacks including Mumbai terrorist attack killing 176 people and recent Pulwama attack killing 44 people. A memorandum was delivered to the Chinese Consulate.

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