Dave Vasudevan
CHICAGO: The 38th Annual Gala of Indian American Medical Association on Saturday November 17 at Ashton place in Downers Grove turned out to be a huge success with over 400 members, guests and invitees attending the near three hours event with avid interest and joy. The feather in the cap was the attendance by Chicgoland dignitaries among whom were Rep Danny Davis, Cook County Head Toni Preckwinkle, Congressman Roskam and Indian Consul General Neeta Bhushan.

The theme was Share our Pride: Celebrate our Workplace .Master of Ceremonies were ABC Channel7 TV Anchor Ravi Baichwal and University of Chicago student Shreya Singh. It was a nonstop seamless evening of elegance, high class fashion show by Raaz, inspiring conversation, significant honorees, sparkling presentations, fine cuisine, a comedy show par excellence, and a grand finale of Bollywood music by Shahzad Dar & troupe featuring Kathakali Dasgupta & Radhika Chimata.
Dr Vijay Prabhakar, Chairman of Global Strategic Alliance Inc, along with IAMA team and supporters made this event a successful one. The Honorary Life Membership of IAMA Honors highlight was the presence of ten Chicagoland hospital CEOS.
ABC anchor Ravi Baichwal gracefully welcomed all the guests while Dr Sydney, IAMA Treasurer proposed a vote of thanks. The two important noteworthy features of the event were the presentation of IAMA Awards to community activists and leaders who had contributed a lot in the medical fields. The IAMA headed by Dr Sreenivas Reddy also recognized with awards the CEOs and hospital heads in Chicago land who made the event yet more graceful by their presence.

In his address, IAMA President Dr Sreenivas G Reddy touched upon the activities of his organization and indicated that he was determined to take it to a new height in the coming year. Collaboration was a key part of the success of the IAMA’s activities in 2018, under the vibrant leadership of Dr. Reddy assisted by his team
Dr. Sreenivas Reddy firmly believes that the success of any individual and organization center around honoring core family and championing our traditional family values.
The culmination of its various activates during the year was when IAMA hosted a South Asian Media Luncheon and sponsored the South Asian Trailblazers in Medicine Conference organized by South Asian Medical Students Association of Loyola University & the University of Chicago. This was part of an initiative to involve second-generation physicians into the Indian American Medical Association of Illinois.
He introduced the IAMA Awardees and presented them with Awards along with Rep Danny Davis, Tony Preckwinkle and Rep Roskam. Dr Reddy passed on the gravel to incoming president Dr Niranjana Shah.
IAMA Awardees 2018
Distinguished Physician Award: Paramjit “Romi” Chopra, M.D.
Lifetime Achievement Award: Asok K. Ray, M.D., Satya P. Ahuja, M.D.
Global Champion of Resuscitation Award: Vemuri Murthy, M.D.
Special Recognition Award: Bharat Barai, M.D. Virendra Bisla, M.D. Piyush Vyas, M.D.
Young Physician of the Year: Rajan V. Shah, M.D.
President’s Appreciation Award: Sidney U. Jain, M.D., Dr. Terence Chiramel, Meher Medavaram, M.D.

Community Service Awards: Tina McCauley, Dennis McCauley
Recognition Award: Kamal Patel, M.D.
Dedicated Service Award: Heidi Garton, MHA
Leadership Award: Suresh Reddy, M.D.
IAMA Hospitals and CEOs Awardees 2018
Matthew Primack, President, Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, Carol Schneider, President & CEO, Mercy Hospital & Medical Center in Chicago, Dr. Gary Lipinski, CMO Adventist LaGrange Hospital, LaGrange, IL & Adventist Hinsdale Hospital, Hinsdale, Dr. Ronald J. Weglarz, CEO, Streamwood Behavioral Healthcare System, Streamwood, Timothy Egan, President & CEO, Roseland Hospital, Chicago, Jose R. Sanchez, President & CEO, Norwegian American Hospital, Chicago, Robert Dahl, Regional President and CEO for the Northwest Region, Dr. John Jay Shannon, CEO, Cook County Health & Hospital System, Chicago, George N. Miller, Jr., President & CEO, Loretto Hospital, Chicago, Timothy A. Caveney, CEO, South Shore Hospital, Chicago, IL