CHICAGO: Culmination of a few firsts that legitimately Dr Hemlata Bakane, President of Indian American Medical Association (IAMA) can lay claim to was the grand celebration of its 34th annual day at Meadows Club last week that was attended by a record number of members and guests – 400 plus – reflecting her successful reign.
Her thrust when she took over as IAMA president was to get more and more second generation Indian doctors involved in the affairs of the organization and she can claim a measure of success. “Close to 50 young medical profressionls rendered their services during our health fair this year. Capping that two young members – Rachna Rawal & Radhika Chimata – emceed our annual meet. We have to keep trying hard as IAMA can only progress if more and more young Indian origin doctors get active in its affairs,” she told this newspaper.
Dr Bakane said that she tried to broaden the base of her organization by enlisting more members to its fold and surely made some headway.
“But more needs to be done as there are close to 3000 physiciains of Indian origin here and IAMA strength is only 600. The incoming president Dr Kamal Patel is aware of this and the 2015 team will launch an aggressive membership drive among the young physicians, medical residents and medical students to join IAMA. Each One Enroll One will be the membership drive slogan.” she said
Another singular achievement – and the first – that she had was to recognize past presidents for their singular services to this august body. Twenty two past Presidents were given Medals during the annual day celebrations by US Congressman Danny Davis. “This was the way we would salute them and commend their contributions,” she said.
In her Presidential speech she touched upon the current healthcare challenges and exhorted IAMA members and galaxy of leaders present to work together and face the current healthcare challenges with equanimity. “Rely upon the guidance of our past presidents to build a vibrant, responsive organization. One of my priorities would be to set up a task force to face the Ebola crisis which will be especially challenging for India.”
“I personally request AAPI President Dr Ravi Jahagirdar to prioritize the Ebola crisis in the ensuing AAPI Global Health Summit, he is organizing in Mumbai, India from 2nd to 5th January 2015,” she said
IAMA had its usual run of activities during Dr Bakane’s stewardship. The IAMA in Action 2014 Video Presentation indicated that the year was an exciting and action packed one. It had organized an art workshop, summer musical, and a walkathon. It conducted three health fairs, a record number of community health awareness seminars, and 15 educational meetings in 10 months. The IAMA 2014 CME trip was to Panama and Guatemala and the IAMA CF Semiannual meeting was held in May.
The event started with cocktail reception. Master of Ceremonies were Rachna Rawal and Radhika Chimata – both medical students. American National Anthem was recited by Hollywood’s latest singing sensation, Hadiya Nelson while Indian National Anthem was rendered by Chicago’s Hemant Kumar, Dr Tapas Dasgupta and Ms Kathakali Dasgupta. There were different booths and all those coming to the program had a good time going from one to the other.
Business meeting was conducted by Dr Samir Shah. The Keynote Address was given by Dr Elliott Antman who had specially flown in from Boston. IAMA President Dr Hemlata Bakane presented an appreciation plaque to him.
Another highlight was the presentation of IAMA Awards. Dr Bharat Barai, an honored guest, introduced the concept behind the award and briefly introduced the recipients. Dr Pratap Kumar, a Cardiology chair for 34 years at the Jackson Park Hospital in Chicago was given the Lifetime Achievement Award. Among his many contributions to society at large was his single handed effort to create awareness about deadly AIDS/ HIV virus in India. Princess Diana was so impressed with Dr Kumar’s efforts that she wanted to help him out attending his program but her untimely death prevented that.
Dr. Peter A Noronha was given the Distinguished Physician Award. The President’s Appreciation Award was given to Dr. Vemuri Murthy while Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, AAPl President, was recognized with Golden Stethoscope Award. The recipients of First Prize were Bhagya Puppala, Second Prize Christopher Nyugen and Third Prize Shikha Jain.
Dr. Hemlata Bakane passed the gavel to Incoming President Dr. Kamal Patel. While doing so she expressed her appreciation to those who helped her throughout the year. “It is with great pride that we record that Dr. Ashok Ray has signed an endowment of donating $10,000 annually to the IAMA CF for rest of his life. Sir, we applaud you for your generous contribution for our flagship project, IAMA- CF Free clinic. May your tribe increase,” she said
Dr Samir Shaw introduced singing sensation Shoba Joshi and Dr Sukanya Reddy honored her with a traditional shawl. “This was one of the finest musical programs we have ever attended The whole evening was very tastefully done and was incredibly enjoyable, “. remarked many in the audience.
Vote of Thanks was performed by Dr Tapas Dasgupta. He thanked all including exhibitors/ booth sponsors, the advertisers in the souvenir, Air India and all patrons who bought tables and raffle tickets. Dinner was served prior to entertainment program. Dr. Narendra Garg drew the Air India Raffle.
2014 Executive committee: Hemlata Bakane MD (President), Samir Shah MD (Secretary), Sukanya Reddy MD(Treasurer)
The newly elect Executive committee for 2015 comprises Kamal Patel MD (President), Tapas Dasgupta MD (Secretary elect), Sreenivas Reddy MD (Treasurer).
Dignitaries present were: Congressman Danny K Davis, President of American Heart Association, Dr Elliott Antman, AAPI President Dr Ravi Jahagirdar, ISMS President-elect Dr Scot Cooper, Chicago Medical society president elect Dr Kathy Tyneus, Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykins, Cook County Commissioner Timothy Snyder, Mayors of Oakbrook & Burridge, the Hospital CEOs from Jackson Park Hospital, St Anthony’s Hospital, Norwegian American Hospital & Alexian Brothers.
Ramesh Soprawala &
Asian Media USA