CHICAGO: “I wish India Development Foundation (IDF) USA to bring peace, harmony and relief to millions globally,” said US Congressman Joe Walsh as he lit the traditional lamp to inaugurate the Project Goodness event. IDF USA was launched amidst applause from the audience by the octogenarian social worker Dr ARK Pillai (85 yrs) in the presence of the elite of Chicago who thronged India House, Schaumburg on Friday, Oct 19.
Commending the untiring efforts of Dr Pillai and Dr Narayan CEO, IDF-India, he promised every support to continue goodness efforts in Chicago and elsewhere in USA.
“A large number of people below the poverty line in India deserve to be looked after and it is the responsibility of Samaritans in India and USA to come forward to take this challenge. Health care in critical zones, education for poor children and development work including environment are focus areas that need attention,” Dr Pillai, founder President of IDF India and mentor of IDF USA, said. The journey of goodness which started serving a few leprosy patients in Mumbai, went ahead in designing the communication strategy for India’s leprosy elimination program and later becoming a national NGO and getting the UN Special Consultative Status for Economic Social Council from 2012, he said reminiscing his four-decade association with IDF.
Inspired by Swami Vivekananda, Dr Narayan Iyer commenced his address with `Sisters and Brothers of Humanity’ salutation. He gave an excellent account of the humanitarian work done by IDF for nearly three decades in India and exhorted citizens of USA to come forward in large numbers to support social work both in India and US to serve those in distress.
Dr Pillai announced the names of Trustees of IDF USA as follows: John Trivedi (President), Thomas Abraham (Vice-President), Mukesh K. Shah (Treasurer), Cecil Joseph (Secretary and CEO) and Mrs Queenie Mendonca (Trustee). Cecil Joseph narrated his personal experience in Children School near Panvel.
The Advisors will be Chandresh Brahmbhatt, Kanti S. Patel, Keerthi Kumar, Vinod Patel, Dr Suman Patel (Detroit), Ramesh Gandhi (Detroit),Vijay Nurani (Detroit), Billy Singh (New York), Vijay Oruganti (Albany NY) and S Jayaraman (San Jose). “More advisors will be inducted as the journey of goodness gains momentum in other states and cities of USA,” Dr Pillai said.
IDF USA will support IDF India’s social projects involving health, education for poor children and empowerment of women. In addition to cleft correction projects, IDF India has 120 health projects, 100 Empowerment Schools and five Women Empowerment Projects spread across the nation. IDF USA will also support humanitarian projects in USA, said Mr. John Trivedi, President of IDF-USA.
Ms Sunita Latamba compeered the event with great style while Thomas Abraham proposed a vote of thanks. M. Bhupendra Singh rendered hit melodies filling the audience with joy.
Harish Rao