CHICAGO: Indian Consulate in Chicago in partnership with Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce organized a seminar on “Incredible India- Tourism and Hospitality” at the Consulate premises on December 14.
The event was attended by about 90 business persons, hoteliers, entrepreneurs, members of various chambers of commerce of US Midwest, officials of IIT School of Business, Managers of different airlines, travel agents and media persons. The event was addressed by Dr. Ausaf Sayeed, Consul General of India, Chicago, Bharat Patel, Chairman & CEO, Sun Companies, Guljit Singh, Chairman, SKP International and Mr. Nakul Chand, Manager Midwest, Air India.
In his keynote address the Consul General mentioned about India’s growth story and its emergence as the world’s fastest growing major economy with GDP growth rate expected to remain on the upper side of 7% in the years to come. He also informed the participants about the Flagship Schemes of GOI such as ‘Make in India’, ‘Start-up India’, ‘Digital India’, ‘Skills Development’ etc. and the emphasis of the government on improving the physical infrastructure in the country through setting up of Industrial Corridors, 100 Smart Cities in Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities and the push for greener and sustainable solutions for our development.
He said that one of the sectors of economy that offers tremendous potential in India is the ‘Tourism & Hospitality Sector’, which has largely remained unexplored and untapped. India as a land of considerable beauty and diversity across its length and breadth offers many exotic and unexplored tourist destinations. The tourism sector, now open for 100 % FDI, offers vast opportunities of doing business in India. He also informed the audience that the Government of India has recently introduced a 24×7 Toll Free Multi-Lingual Tourist Helpline to facilitate visits of foreign tourists to India.
The 24×7 Toll Free Multi-Lingual Tourist Helpline has been launched in 12 international languages namely, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese Portuguese, Russian and Spanish apart from Hindi and English. This service is available on toll free number 1800111363 or on a short code 1363 and operational 24X7 (365 days in a year) offering a “multi-lingual helpdesk”.
The objective of this multi-lingual helpline is to provide information relating to travel and tourism in India to domestic and international tourists. The helpline also advises callers during the times of distress, if any, while travelling in India and alerts the concerned authorities, if required. The Consul General also invited the interested investors to attend India Tourism Summit organized by the Government each year.
Guljit Singh, Chairman SKP International, highlighted the opportunities available in the hotel and tourism industry in India. He said there is a huge market available in India in the hospitality sector.
In the recently held Incredible India Tourism Summit, 86 MoUs worth $ 2.04 billion were signed while Ministry of Tourism approved projects worth $ 67 million during 2016 itself. He also spoke about the taxation and legal aspects of doing business in these sectors.
Bharat Patel said there is a huge potential for developing hotel industry in India and the recent demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupees notes done by the Government of India would go a long way in removing corruption from the system which in turn would boost the confidence of the investors. He said that it is opportune time to invest in the hotel and tourism industry in India.
Nakul Chand informed that Air India now provides non-stop flights from Chicago, New York, Newark and San Francisco to Delhi and Mumbai. He also mentioned about various services and facilities being provided by Air India to its customers.
During the course of the event, the speakers also answered the questions asked by the audience on the topic of the seminar.
Surendra Ullal