ST LOUIS: Indian Association of St. Louis celebrated the Spring Festival with a lot of enthusiasm and joy keeping up its established tradition of holding it every year.
The prime objective is to give a platform to diverse and colorful culture of the Indian community. This year the Spring Festival- 2015 was held on Sunday March 28 at the local Mahatma Gandhi Center and was a huge success, drawing more than 350 visitors.
The day began with vendors bringing their various products and decorating their stalls in the Mahatma Gandhi Center Auditorium. Dr Monider Partap, President Mahatma Gandhi Center, gave a welcome address before ribbon cutting ceremony. All stalls were then opened to the public. Over 20 stalls catered to every need from home décor to Food.
The mood was upbeat and hundreds of people enthusiastically participated in visiting the stalls and making purchases which continued till the end of the day. Delicious Indian food could be tasted; different varieties of clothes, garments, handicrafts, jewellery could be bought for reasonable prices.
In the afternoon, another fun part of the celebrations started in the form of Rangoli Competition for children and adults to channelize their energies towards Rangoli drawings. The huge participation in the competition ended up in a series of beautiful Rangolis in the hall attracting the visitors.
The final fascinating program of the day was cultural dances. Several regional cultural dances belting classical and Bollywood tunes by local talent dazzled the audience for more than two hours. Certificates and prizes were awarded in the end. The event ended on a great note and the organizers thanked everyone for their participation and making the event a grand success.
The organization board includes Sharath Rao, President; Meera Jain, President Elect; Shailee Varanasai, Secretary; Vijaya Lakshmi Budhiraju, Treasurer; Krishna Rao Moharir, Public Relations and Web Administrator; Gayatri Chintakunta, Cultural Secretary, Vijaya Kumar Budhiraju, Director; Sendil Rathinasabapathy, Director and Smita Parikh, Director.
Ashwin Patel