CHICAGO: Members of the Indian and Nepalese communities have geared up to extend all possible relief to the victims of one of the worst natural disasters – the 7.9 on Richter scale earthquake – which destroyed life and property of hundreds of thousands of people in Nepal and North East regions of India.
Chicagoland Nepalese Friendship Society held an emergency relief meet at Curry House in Chicago Downtown attended by close to 100 members and well wishers. The meet helped raise over $3000 on the spot,. Bala Ghimre, a spokesman for the Society, said the members of his community will be making intense efforts to raise at least $51,000 from this area and will be tying up their efforts with non resident Nepalese across USA.
He said that the CNFC is also seeking to collect clothes and medicine for the affected people. “We welcome cash or check donations which could be tax exempt but will also collect clothes and medicine. We can be reached at Curry House in Chicago downtown and we will try to reach out to any organization and individuals in Chicagoland for donations in kind,” he told this paper. Call 773 710 3795 / 312 362999 or drop check payable to -Education foundation of Nepal at CHICAGO curry house
The fury of nature in this Himalayan country has been so devastating and deadly that the tremors flattened everything – revered ancient shrines, homes, apartment buildings, cars, and people. Fears are that the casualties may rise to 10,000 as rescue workers work their way through the debris. Triggered avalanches in the Himalayas point to casualties there.
In addition to Nepal, Northern districts of Bihar (Champaran region), Mithilanchal (districts Dharbhanga, Madhubani etc,), Patna district, Munger Division (south of Ganges), West Bengal, Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Sikkim were also affected.
Art of Living spokesman Vinesh Virani said that AoL along with International Association of Human Values and Gurudwara Sahiba of Chicago have announced plans to collect donations in kind and cash. “We prefer cash-check donations as it would be easier to remit but we will also accept food, clothing and medicine which would be shipped to India and Nepal thru Air India which has agreed to do it cost free. The cash-check donation will be tax exempt,” he said.
Art of Living Nepal Center has provided shelter to hundreds of people. Its volunteers have been rendering yeomen services providing food & water to the residents of affected areas.
Iftekahr Shareef, Trustee Chair of the Federation of Indian Assocaitons (FIA) said that they have offered their heart felt condolences to the victims’ families and have assssured the Indian and Nepalese governments that they would make all efforts to raise funds for the affected persons in North East India and Nepal.
Nimesh Jain of BAPS said that a magnitude 7.9 earthquake centered less than 50 miles from Kathmandu struck Nepal with devastating force, toppling homes, temples, and historic buildings.
BAPS Charities prays for all who have been affected by the earthquake in Nepal and India. BAPS Charities Nepal Earthquake relief efforts have made strong appeal to send donations for the benefit of victims and their families information for which will be found at http://www.bapscharities.org/nepalearthquake2015/
In this moment of unspoken tragedy and human suffering, Sewa International has appealed to everyone to open their hearts and wallets to help the people in distress. Sewa has released $10,000 (ten thousand dollars) towards immediate relief. The relief efforts will continue for weeks and months to come. Through its sister organization, Sewa International, Nepal, and its volunteers on ground, it assures all donors that their contributions will reach the affected people directly.
Donate generously at www.sewausa.org or call us at 708-USA-SEWA or email at info@sewausa.org.
Sree Sreenath, President Sewa International said that it is a nonprofit charity registered under the Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) with its mission to serve humanity in distress, aid local communities, and promote volunteerism. Sewa volunteers across 38 chapters in 22 states performed more than 130,000 hours of community work in 2014.
Air India swings into action
Rishikant Singh,Regional Manager-Americas, Air India , said that Air India along with the people of India grieve for the families in Nepal, India, Tibet and Bangladesh affected by the earthquake in Nepal past Saturday.
After Yemen, Libya, Tunisia, Lebanon and several other evacuations and national emergencies, national carrier Air India has swung into action again. Rising to the occasion in times of crisis, it undertook two additional flights to and from Kathmandu to fly Nepali people wishing to reach home to their families, and for people stranded in Nepal to fly out.
India’s National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) team was sent to Katmandu from Kolkata by Air India special flight AI-1247 on emergency duty.
Air India is carrying relief material free of charge on priority basis on its flights to Kathmandu, both from Delhi and Kolkata. The regular scheduled operations from Delhi and Kolkata have also resumed after opening up of the Kathmandu airport.
Air India operates two daily flights out of Delhi. From Kolkata, there is a flight every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Charge of booking fees, cancellation and refund charges for travel on Air India to/from Kathmandu for travel up to 2nd May will be waived with travel agents advised of suitable waiver code for use.
Ramesh Soparawala & Surendra Ullal