NEVADA: A celebration of Eid in Nevada turned out to be an interfaith meet with representatives of others faiths like Hindu and Christians being invited and honored.
In a remarkable interfaith gesture, Muslims welcomed Hindu leader Rajan Zed to their “Eid al-Fitr” celebrations in Sparks, Nevada.
Speaking on the occasion at Northern Nevada Muslim Community (NNMC) Center, Rajan Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, stressed that all religions should work together for a just and peaceful world. Dialogue would bring us mutual enrichment, he added.
Zed expressed warmest greetings on the Eid festival wishing that it brought joy, happiness and cheer to all the Muslims.
American Muslims of Bangladeshi, Syrian, Somalian, Pakistani, Ethiopian, Jordanian, India, Moroccan, Egyptian, Palestinian, Saudi Arabian, etc., origins came to “Eid al-Fitr” celebrations in their ethnic best dresses to a sumptuous dinner which included chicken and other meat dishes, biryani and various other rice formations, vegetables, lentils, sweet vermicelli, kheer, puddings, etc.
Prayers from Quran (the scripture of Islam) were read and NNMC President Dr. Sherif A. Elfass listed various projects and achievements of NNMC and distributed the awards. Sparks Mayor Geno R. Martini, Sparks Police Chief Steve Keefer and Imam Abdelwahed Awad also spoke.
According to an estimate, there are about 2,000 Muslim families in northern Nevada of about two dozen national origins, with Bangladesh having the highest numbers. NNMC was launched in 1980.
India Post News Service