India Post News Service
CHICAGO: Inaugurating the Global Eye International Institute of Leadership at Manhattan, New York City, U.S. Congressman Jonathan Jackson called for a new leadership that got to rise above race, above sex, find a choice and a change. Congressman Jonathan Jackson, (1st District Illinois) congratulated the Indian American Visionary Leader Dr. Vijay G Prabhakar for establishing this Institute to create tomorrow’s inclusive leaders today.
In his presidential remarks he said that effective leadership is essential for achieving success in today’s fast paced and competitive world adding that the first course offered is the Global Sustainability Leadership Program under the leadership of ERIK SOLHEIM (Former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program) from June 19 to June 24, 2023.

Ravi Karkara shared the six main verticals of the Institute including sustainability and climate change, start-up entrepreneurship, women empowerment, youth leadership, civic leadership & decision makers and geo-economics. Karkara added that each short-term course will have experts as faculty, include field visits and programs to enhance the skills and abilities of the participants to become effective leaders.
Ms. Seeta Bala, Member of the Institute’s Board of Regents introduced Dr. Chitti R. Moorthy, Radiation Oncologist, Westchester, NY, Mrs. Geetha Radhakrishnan, a certified public accountant from New York and Thirumala Kumbum, CFO, Value Financial Services of Texas who were each presented with G.S.A. Pride of India Award by U.S. Congressman Jonathan Jackson at the event.
Presenting the Awards U. S. Congressman Jonathan Jackson, Member of the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Relations and Agriculture, commended the services of Dr. Chitti R. Moorthi of New York who was listed on the Wall of Tolerance, Montgomery, Alabama signed by the Great Rosa Parks.
Jerome Athishtham, Treasurer, Multi Ethnic Advisory Task Force, 7th Congressional District and Neelam Saboo, Communications Director, American Multi Ethic Coalition, USA presented the “Ark of Covenant” memento to Congressman Jonathan Jackson to mark the launch of
Praful Billore, CEO, MBA Chaiwala, Indore, India delivering the keynote address called upon global young leaders to take full advantage of this International Institute of Leadership to advance humanity and excel in service to mother earth.
Shree Gurusamy, Secretary of the Institute’s Board of Regents announced that Institute will hold their certificate courses regularly at the Global Eye Institute Hall, Wyndham Hotel Midtown Manhattan, 345 W. 35th street, New York, NY-10001. There will be four certificate courses during 2023 including the Youth leadership empowerment program from July 31st- August 5, 2023, Entrepreneur start-up leadership program from October 9th-14, 2023 and Women in Leadership program from December 4th-9, 2023, added Shree Gurusamy.
Shan Vaidyalingam, South Asia Sales & Advertising Executive of the Global Eye Magazine said that the Institute will attract the finest professionals from all over the world
Vikas Khanna, Indian Celebrity Chef, New York welcomed the G.S.A. family led by Dr Vijay G Prabhakar. As a New Yorker, “I congratulate Dr. Vijay G. Prabhakar for setting up the much-needed Global Eye International Institute of Leadership as it will support upcoming young entrepreneurs in India and USA and also help develop indigenous leaders, women leaders and also entrepreneurs. Dr. Vijay Prabhakar has started a fantastic initiative and has set an example for all of us to follow.
O. Thomas, Registrar, The Global Eye International Institute of Leadership, New York said that Global Eye Institute celebrates U.S.A – India relations and will be a catalyst for global unity, harmony and prosperity. Koshy added that the Global Eye Institute is located centrally in Manhattan, New York and easily accessible by public transportation.
Miss. Sachi Singh, High School Senior, Plainsboro, New Jersey giving the closing remarks and welcomed the Leadership Institute located in the tri-state area.