Jayasudha captivates Chicago with her inspiring story

Keerthi K. Ravoori and Dr Heyer Paul Devarapalli presenting the City of Chicago Resolution to Jayasudha
Keerthi K. Ravoori and Dr Heyer Paul Devarapalli presenting the City of Chicago Resolution to Jayasudha

CHICAGO: Jayasudha, South-Indian movie actress and a prominent A.P. state legislator, captivated the Chicago audience with her profoundly soul-stirring testimony of her personal faith at packed pews of the Grace Lutheran Church in Westchester, Illinois on May 22.

This community event hosted under the aegis of United Telugu Christians of Chicago [UTCC] drew a host of fans, guests, lay leaders and pastors to hear her inspiring story that changed her life.

“I want to be like Mother Teresa and I want to serve the Lord” solemnly declared Jayasudha in her testimony narrative amidst applause. She pledged that she would like to embark on a journey of altruism to help the poor and the neediest with her Shine Development Trust charitable organization (India).

Articulating her personal story of faith, identity and spiritual triumph, Jayasudha recalled the frightful incident of March 1985 that changed her life. Jayasudha narrated that while she was honeymooning in Thailand, she and her husband went on a water jet-ski ride and how in a split-second she lost grip and fell into the water not knowing how to swim.

While in that full panic-mode, Jayasudha added that she screamed ‘Jesus’ in abject fear as she was beginning to drown and that’s when she encountered a white curly-haired, blue-eyed pristine figure that gently lifted her out of the deep waters and saved her from certain drowning. This, she emphatically added, was the divine face of Jesus Christ that appeared and saved her life.

Describing the birth of Shine Trust Development, Jayasudha said she is interested in helping the poor and the most needy. Narrating the scriptural reference ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’ she underlined her passion for taking up humanitarian causes. Her long-term mission is to open a home for the aged to help senior citizens live a life of dignity.

The special evening with Jayasudha started with choir singing. The praise and worship songs led by Sunny Mathews were followed by a welcome address by Vasanth Charles. The opening prayer was offered by Surender Charles.

Mrs. Thara Chandran led the scriptural reading, Mahala Johnson offered a special prayer in memory of Oklahoma tornado victims.

Keerthi Kumar Ravoori, who was joined by a conglomerate of lay leaders, presented a special City Council Proclamation issued by the City of Chicago that applauded Jayasudha for her exemplary public service and for her devotion to charitable causes

A special exhortation was delivered by Rev. Dr. John Christian Frederick Heyer Devarapalli. A group of Church pastors encircled Jayasudha and anointed her with prayer. The event was followed by dinner provided by the Green Chilli Restaurant sponsored by Emmanuel Neela, Rama Rao and Jeshar Abraham.

Arvind Patel

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