CHICAGO: United Senior Pariwar Chicago (USPC), a Chicago based organization of Seniors, celebrated its Annual Program 2014 on December 28 at Kethy Hall in Niles, a northwest suburb of Chicago.
More then 300 members and invited guests and sponsors participated in the program that commenced with Prarthana and Ganesh stuti. The lighting of ceremonial lamp followed the stuti and Dr Bharat Barai, a noted oncologist and a community activist, Anil Shah, President of World Money Exchange and the sponsor of the program Dr Dhiren Mistry, Usha Kamaria and Raman Patel, president of the organization, lighted the lamp.
Ramesh Chokshi, secretary, welcomed the guests and introduced Dr Barai and Anil Shah among others. Dr Barai in his brief address mentioned that he planned visiting India shortly and was scheduled to meet Indian PM Narendra Modi. “I will invite him to come to Chicago coming year,” he declared amidst applause
Ramanbhai Patel, president, briefed all those present about the various activities of the USPC. Hasmukh Soni, treasurer, took time to express gratitude to all supporters, sponsors and donors. Jaswant Seth extended welcome to Saregram Group that entertained the gathering in the evening.
It was a joyful evening when some of the seniors danced while the Saregam Group of singers reeled out one after other songs from Bollywood.
Anil Shah urged USPC to have three to four programs every year as Seniors really had a good time. Dr Barai offered his support for this move.
Narsiinhbhai Patel talked about having real good fun that seniors can have in their lives and pitched for physical activities, yoga, meditation and spending good time with grand children
Haribhai Patel said that USPC would organize a grand Diwali celebration this time and was hopeful that over 2000 seniors would attend.
Jayanti Oza