ST LOUIS: The ISKCON temple of St Louis celebrated Krishna Janmashtami event at the Mahatma Gandhi Center. The event was open to the general public to participate in the sublime festivities.
Participants were welcomed at the entrance with a registration desk and a fully-stocked gift shop which included Srila Prabhupada’s (Founder-Acarya of ISKCON) transcendental books and articles. A section of the 2nd floor hall was converted into a temple room by the auspicious presence of Krishna-Balarama deities and the altar was beautifully decorated with flower garlands.
The event kicked off with kirtan, chanting of Lord’s Holy name – Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare; Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.
The youth group then performed a drama enacting Govardhan Lila where Lord Krishna manifested his supreme power and Indra was reminded of his role as his order-carrier. It was followed by a unique opportunity to personally bathe the deities and invoke their blessings for one’s own spiritual advancement through the Kalash Abhiseka program.
It was then time for a discourse by Romapada Swami who nicely described pastimes of Krishna’s return to Mathura (assisted with beautiful pictures) ultimately ending in Kamsa’s death. The adult group performed a drama revealing the most confidential secret to overcoming life’s miseries, which is to chant the holy name with humility and proper consciousness. The celebrations concluded with Aarti and the whole place was immersed in transcendental vibration of the Holy Name.
Delicious and sumptuous vegetarian prasadam was served free to all the attendees. Volunteers’ flawless conduct during this annual Janmashtami celebrations needs to be commended by all.
Ashwin Patel