CHICAGO: Software engineer by education, athlete by vocation and woman entrepreneur by profession, Laddi Singh, a young energetic first generation Indian woman has picked up a gauntlet in different area – politics.
She is fighting an incumbent Republican candidate Rep. Tom Morrison, R-Palatine in the 54th District of the Illinois House. Laddi Singh is a Democratic candidate and the entire Asian community has rallied behind her boosting her chance to be the first ever Asian woman representative in Illinois.
In a talk to this paper, Laddi Singh exuded huge confidence based on her door to door campaign in 54th District and the huge favorable nod that she has been getting not only from ethnic minorities but even from members of the mainstream American society. “Many like my sincerity of purpose and transparency besides my clear cut position on many a burning issue facing Illinois residents. The additional advantage that I have is being a business woman,” she said.
The Illinois state government is saddled with a number of issues starting with huge budget deficit, mounting pension burden, health care, job creations and improving educational facilities. She said that in the short run there is no option but to put up with higher income tax rate that Governor Pat Quinn introduced a couple of years ago. “This was to be a short term hike but it appears that there is no way out to make that increase permanent or to continue with it for the next few years to fix the yawning budget deficit,” she said.
In the long run, improving the State economic condition and creating more jobs would help ease the situation. She also underlined the need to cut down wasteful expenditure in all areas of government and streamline the administration to make it more efficient and effective.
She was all for reforming the defunct pension system as otherwise the State will go broke bringing down its credit rating. This in its turn will make it difficult to borrow money for meeting its obligations. She however, wanted to take the members of the Union into confidence and work out an amiable deal with the persons affected by the cut or the reform. The pension issue is with the court at present and she would not be drawn much into detail about it.
Laddi Singh was all for Obama Care that has provided an easy access to all uninsured people in the country, including Illinois state, to get health insurance cover. “I am a health care professional and I have seen huge merit in the entire system envisioned by President Obama,” she said.
She wanted business friendly environment to be created in the State for attracting more business here. Many companies leave Illinois to go to Indiana or other States to take advantage of their relative low tax rates. “We have not only to induce these companies to keep their moorings here but attract more outsiders too so that the industrial spurt will create more jobs and more revenue for the State,” she said.
Laddi Singh is Pro Choice and feels that it should be left to individual women to decide on the question of abortion. She has big support from the top wigs of the Democratic Party and she is hugely optimistic the 54th District will go to Democrats in the November elections.
She hails from the Punjab state in India and had her schooling in Nangal and college education at Khalsa University. She was good in studies getting a degree in computer science and also excelled in sports, playing a lead role in the College soccer team and getting medals at state and national championship tournaments.
Ramesh Soparawala
India Post News Service