India Post News Service
CHICAGO: The Forest Kala Sampath Lions Club in Chicago celebrated 139th birthday of Lions Clubs International founder Melvin Jones with rainbow colors at the Chicago Four Points Hotel Sheraton at O’Hare. Several clubs in District 1A took part in this magnificent celebration.
Past International Director Dan O’Reilly in his message during this event said, “100 years ago, our founder Melvin Jones asked his friends to be the volunteers to help the needy in their communities as there were thousands of soldiers from World War I were wondering around without jobs, families and shelter. This concept of serving the needy today spread all over the world and filled with more than 1.4 million members and more than 210 countries and geographical areas. Let us keep this spirit of helping the less fortunate and giving, sharing and caring and continue our mission, “We Serve.”
American, Filipino and Indian national anthems were sung with Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag. Maritess Wynkoop gave invocation. Dr. Austin introduced the dignitaries.
After the sumptuous dinner, Filipino American Lions Club members enacted a skit – Baby Bottles Project – United We Stand. Baby bottles were kept on the tables and the participants were asked to fill the bottles with whatever they could donate. Collected money was given to Battered Women in Chicago, those who have small babies.
One new Melvin Jones Fellow Junior Roque was recognized and Director O’Reilly presented Wes with a Chairman’s Medal for reaching more than $30,000 in contribution for last Lionistic year.
Vissia D’Souza held a Melvin Jones quiz for the participants and the winners were given a prize. Tammy Brown, District Diabetes Chair briefed about forthcoming American Diabetic Association event in March at the McCormick Place and asked Lions to take part in the event.
Dr. Austin announced that next year’s 140th birthday celebration will be at the same place on January 13, 2019. He also said that he has collected $10,000 for this year’s Lions Clubs International Foundation contribution and profit from this event will go to the foundation. Since more than five years, Kala Sampath Lions Club is donating more than $10,000 to the foundation.