CHICAGO: Metropolitan Asian Family Services, Inc (MAFS) hosted yet another star-studded yearly global Gala fundraiser to digitally shape the future of seniors and to celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, with illustrious elected officials and community leaders, including US Congressman and Illinois State Representatives in attendance.
This event commenced at the Waterford Banquetin Elmhurst, Illinois, October 12 with a roundtable conference. It was a symposium for delegates from all over the world to share their view to mould a better life for senior citizens to lead a content and independent life in the digital future.
Santosh Kumar, executive director and founder and other board members greeted the dignitaries .This meeting was attended by 51 attendees from all over the world, including Congressman Bill Foster, Congressional Meeting Chair. Before the meeting, “Saving Human Lives: A Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi”, an exclusive hands-on CPR training was presented by Dr Vemuri Murthy, chairman, Chicago Medical Society.
After this informative session, those attending spoke about their experience to improve the life of senior citizens all over the world. The discussion was very pertinent and captivating. In order to be prepared for the digital future of the seniors, two important conclusions developed out of this discussion- increasing the care giver base to accommodate the growing senior population which is estimated to be more than one billion by 2030; and including a human touch while fulfilling their emotional needs.
Congressman Bill Foster and the other leaders were honoredby Santhosh Kumar with the Colors of MAFS, the blue and white sash with the logos of MAFS and Universal Metro Asian Services (UMAS).They were also given a special miniature working replica of Gandhi’s pocket watch specially brought for this occasion from Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi.
Following the congressional roundtable conference, over 1,000 guests gathered to celebrate a fun-filled evening that started off with the auspicious lamp lighting ceremony Kumar, board members and distinguished guests as a universal symbol of truth, peace and prosperity.
A fabulous invocation dance, “Ganesh Vandana”, was performed by Gauri Yadav. Following this, “MAFS in Action”, a video illuminating MAFS’s history of service for the last 27 years was s creened. After this, chief financial officer Sagar Kumar presented the annual report, where he showed the gaps in funding and the importance of fundraising to continue its services.
Entertainment started with the MAFS seniors who performed a rhythmic dance, “Down the Memory Lane”. It was the most cheered dance as the energy and enthusiasm was unparalleled.
Later, Kumar and President of Cook County Board, Toni Preckwinkle took the center-stage on a conversation on how MAFS was created, evolved and multiplied to the 14 well-equipped centers. Kumar shared her experience with an isolated senior couple, who were left home alone by their working children.

The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Sesquicentennial Medallion of Excellence and Gandhi’s Charka to top 20 Global Icons. Representative Danny K. Davis, President of Cook County Board of Commissioners Toni Preckwinkle, Chairman of Globetrotters Niranjan Shah, Manav SEVA Mandir founder Dr Bharat Barai, Director of IDOA Paula Basta, Acting President Dr Satish Udpa, Commissioner of Chicago Housing Authority Mildred Harris, Director of India Foundation – Delhi Lalitha Kumaramangalam, former Indian Police Service officer Parvez Hayat, chairman of board of trustees of Chicago Medical Society Dr Vemuri Murthy, K. Ganesan, Dr Ranga Reddy, Martino Tangkar, Neelam Dwivedi, Mohan C. Hemmadi, Caldwell Velnambi, S.V. Anchan, Dr Preerna Kohli, Krish Suthanithran, Virginia weren awarded nthe Gandhi Sesquicentennial Medallion of Excellence by Indian Consul General in Chicago Sudhakar Dalela.
The Gandhiji Charka was presented to the Top 20 Global icons by Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi. Anita Lerche, a singer from Indianapolis sang Bapu’s favorite Bhajan “Vaishnave Jan to Tene Kahiye”. Then followed reflections of Mahatma Gandhi by Steffana Angel Paul of the Longwood Elementary School, Naperville
The American and Indian national anthems were sung by GauriYadav and Padma Mehta. Madura Sane’s dance honoring Gandhi’s journey was highly appreciated .Her balletic movements were graceful and well portrayed the simple life of Gandhi.
Next was a Mexican dance rhythmically performed by Ballet Folkloric Quetzalcoat. Rosa Barraza did a great job as one of the dancers. The spotlight fell on our young executive Sagar Kumar, as he went up the stage to join the ballet. The crowd roared with applause and asked for a replay.
Following this, MAFS Seniors, board members and staff performed a skit named “Sarhadey”, a tribute to the veterans who sacrificed their lives for the country!
Dr. Firdaus Jafri presented the employee awards. Padma Mehta was conferred with the MAFS President Award. A special salute was offered to Anna Hazare, social activist, and Bindu Dalmia of New Delhi.

The Pramod Kumar Philanthropy Award was presented to Dr Ratnam Chitturi, founder and president of North South Foundation, for his selfless service in helping children worldwide to excel academically. The Community Service Award was given to Representative Michelle Mussman, a fulltime State Representative of the 56th District, for her relentless service. The Partnership Award was given to Dr Namratha Kandula of Northwestern University. The Pillar of MAFS Award was presented to Awilda Gonzalez, Project Manager, the Coordinator of the Year Award to Shane Solanki, Employee of the Year Award to Shrenik Dalal, Volunteer of the Year Award to Anita Rawal, Outreach Award to Kiran Patel and finally Cook of the Year Award to Nayanaben Patel.
In the grand finale, Sufi singer, Indira Naik presented a concert.
Dr. Rakesh Asthana, Secretary of MAFS Board, proposed a vote of thanks.