Meditation begins when thinking mind gets dormant

Shiv JhaWar conducting Meditation  talk in Milwaukee
Shiv JhaWar conducting Meditation
talk in Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE: Shiv R. Jhawar, founder of Noble World Foundation and the author of book, Building a Noble World , conducted a meditation event , “Experience the Bliss of Silence Within,” on Sunday, March 10 at YogAsylum in Brookfield, Wisconsin.
The program commenced with a video, which demonstrated that there have been powerful lineages of great beings throughout time. They have passed the secret of lasting peace down through ages in a master-disciple succession. They tell us the way to lasting peace is through the awakening of spiritual energy, which exists within every human being. The video featured Jhawar’s spiritual journey, which is described on his Wikipedia page.
Jhawar commenced the proceedings by prostrating before the shrine of Swami Muktananda placed in a corner in the hall. He had a remarkable glow and serenity on his face when he began reciting the invocation mantras (which included Guru Paduka Panchkam) before delivering his talk on how to meditate.
Revealing the secret of meditation, Jhawar said that meditation is a state beyond the mind. Bliss of meditation is experienced when the mind is absent, not when the mind is at peace. When the thinking mind is absent, then there is witnessing, the state of meditation.

The way to get into Real meditation is through the awakening of the inner spiritual energy. When the spiritual energy called Kundalini is awakened, it pushes one beyond the mind level and into the blissful state of ultimate Awareness.
It is impossible for the mind to know or comprehend the Spirit, which is beyond the mind. “How can a pen ever know the hand that is holding it?” said Jhawar. “No spiritual technique, knowledge, or beliefs can ever achieve the state beyond the mind.”
He explained that meditation energy (Kundalini) is awakened (lit), like a lit candle lights unlit candles, through the medium of a mediator who belongs to a true spiritual lineage.
Jhawar asserted that meditation transforms the life style of an individual to such an extent that it appears unbelievable that the individual who in the past would have reacted to a situation in anger is now acting with deep compassion and understanding to the same situation.
Jhawar’s book, Building a Noble World, explains meditation in detail in its chapter 3, “Yoga: The Highest of All Unions.” The book is available at the United Nations Bookshop as well as at
The guided meditation event was followed by a Q&A session. Although this meditation event hosted by YogAsylum in Wisconsin on the occasion of MahaShivaratri Day was not highly publicized, there was a good turnout.

Hemant Vakharia

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