CHICAGO: Taking umbrage at the unsavory comments about the celebration of Indian Republic Day by the Chicago based Federation of Indian Associations, outgoing president Minhaj Akhtar observed that the most important point that the so called objective critics miss is that “my FIA decided to celebrate this national festival of India on the day that it falls and that was Thursday January 26, and was not dragged to weekends as has been the practice with many associations.”
“We knew that it would inconvenience many but we were sure that those who really have love for India would come whether it is weekend or if the weather is unfavorable. And we had really a good crowd that included among others Indian CG Neeta Bhushan, Indian oncologist from neighboring State of Indiana Dr Bharat Barai and a front ranking Indian businessman from St Louis, Dr. Deepak Kant Vyas.”
“It is also important to note that this was not a wedding with numbers attending getting counted. It had a different sanctity attached to it. We are happy to note that besides the dignitaries, 140 plus Chicago elites and our members found time to come to Addison town to participate in the three- hour long celebrations. We salute them.”
“I also want to point out that we clearly mentioned that no liquor would-be served and we stuck to our views. We also decided against serving any item that contains beef, respecting the sentiment of our Hindu and Jain brethren. Most of the items served were vegetarians. Another thing that needs to be pointed out that the food was courtesy Shalimar management and they did a real good job. We did not seek any donation,” Minhaj pointed out.
“FIA is one of the oldest community serving organizations with rich traditions. We may go wrong here and there but we make all endeavors to keep up our traditions. We invite healthy criticism but ill informed diatribes are not appreciated as they do not serve any purpose,” Minhaj added.
Harish Rao