CHICAGO: Moon Khan, a Democratic Party candidate for DuPage County Recorder, spiked up his chances of winning the November elections against Republican incumbent Recorder Fred Bucholz.
Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White led the huge endorsement list, followed by Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerich, Congressman Bill Foster, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, State Senator Tom Cullerton, State Representative Stephanie Kifowit, State Representative Deb Conroy, Congressional candidate Raja Krishnamoorthi, City of Chicago Clerk and a candidate of Illinois Comptroller, City of Chicago Alderman Ameya Pawar.
Indo-American Democratic Organization (IADO) and American Muslims Taskforce (AMT-PAC) have also endorsed Moon for his history making journey.
Moon, a former York Township Trustee, is the first Asian American candidate to run for any countywide position in Illinois. He wants to eliminate the DuPage Recorder’s office as it has happened in six counties and it has been proposed for a referendum in Cook County. League of Women Voters of Cook County is supporting the elimination.
“Our records are kept at four agencies for no reasons. It is simply wastage of taxpayers’ money,” said Moon who is challenging a Republican incumbent who has been holding this office for the last 16 years.
Before his reign, his fist cousin ruled the agency and the incumbent worked under his relative. In other words, one agency has been kept in one family for forty years. “Is it an elected democracy or elected monarchy? The DuPage Recorder’s office has become a citadel of nepotism,” Moon stated.
Moon favors repealing any pension to part time elected officials and enforcing term limits.
DuPage County is a “one race and one faith administration,” according to Moon. “It does not have any representation of Latinos, African Americans, and Asian Americans. It’s frozen in 1950s. We need to demolish the Berlin War of monopoly,” Moon added.
KK Rajda